Introduction to Energy, Renewable Energy and Electrical Engineering. Ewald F. Fuchs
Table of Contents
1 Cover
6 Preface P.1 Key Features P.2 The Climate Dilemma References
7 Glossary of Symbols, Abbreviations, and Acronyms A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
9 1 Basic Concepts 1.1 Energy Conservation: Laws of Thermodynamics 1.2 Converting Heat to Mechanical Power 1.3 Heat Pumps and Air‐Conditioning Units 1.4 Hydro Turbines 1.5 Wind Power and the Lanchester–Betz–Joukowsky Limit 1.6 Thermal Solar and PV Plants 1.7 Capacity Factors 1.8 Force Calculations Based on Coulomb’s Law 1.9 Conductors, Insulators, and Semiconductors 1.10 Instantaneous Current i and Voltage v 1.11 The Question of Frequency: AC Versus DC Distribution and Transmission Systems 1.12 Reference Directions and Polarities of Voltages and Currents 1.13 Power p 1.14 Ideal Passive Electric Circuit Elements 1.15 Independent and Dependent Voltage and Current Sources 1.16 Galvanic Elements, Voltaic Series, and Lead–Acid Batteries 1.17 Electrolysis 1.18 Flow Batteries and Fuel Cells 1.19 Reformer 1.20 Energy Storage Plants 1.21 Current Projects and Issues with Potential Solutions 1.22 Software in Public Domain (e.g. PSPICE, Mathematica, MATLAB/Simulink) 1.23 Summary Problems References Appendix 1.A Design Data of Photovoltaic Power Plant of Figure E1.6.1 Appendix 1.B The Nature of Electricity and Its Manufacturing Appendix 1.C The Cost of Electricity in a Renewable Energy System
2 Electric Circuit Laws
2.1 Ohm's Law and Instantaneous Electric Power p(t)
2.2 Kirchhoff's Current and Voltage Laws (KCL) and (KVL), Respectively
2.3 Application of KVL to Single‐Loop Circuits
2.4 Single‐Node Pair Circuits
2.5 Resistor Combinations
2.6 Nodal Analysis
2.7 Loop or Mesh Analysis