The History of the Reformation of Religion in Scotland. John Armoy Knox
John Knox
The History of the Reformation of Religion in Scotland
With Which Are Included Knox's Confession and The Book of Discipline
Published by Good Press, 2019
EAN 4057664575241
Table of Contents
Of the Creation of Man.—Cap. II.
Of the Revelation of the Promise.—Cap. IV.
The Continuance, Increase, and Preservation of the Kirk.—Cap. V.
Of the Incarnation of Christ Jesus.—Cap. VI.
Why it behoved the Mediator to be very God and very Man.—Cap. VII.
Christ's Death, Passion, Burial, etc.—Cap. IX.
Faith in the Holy Ghost.—Cap. XII.
The Cause of Good Works.—Cap. XIII.
What Works are reputed good before God.—Cap. XIV.
The Perfection of the Law and Imperfection of Man.—Cap. XV.
The Immortality of the Souls.—Cap. XVII.
The Authority of the Scriptures.—Cap. XIX.
Of General Councils, of their Power, Authority, and Causes of their Convention.—Cap. XX.
Of the right Administration of the Sacraments.—Cap. XXII.
To whom Sacraments Appertain.—Cap. XXIII.
Of the Civil Magistrate.—Cap. XXIV.
The Gifts freely given to the Kirk.—Cap. XXV.
III. Touching the Abolition of Idolatry.
IV. Concerning Ministers and their Lawful Election.
VI. Of the Superintendents. [252]
VII. Of Schools and Universities.
VIII. Of the Rents and Patrimony of the Kirk.