Centennial History of Columbus and Franklin County. William Alexander Taylor

Centennial History of Columbus and Franklin County - William Alexander Taylor

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or agent, shall refuse or neglect to fill up, raise or drain such grounds, in such manner, and within such time as the said city council shall have designated and fixed, they shall cause the same to be done at the expense of the city, and assess the amount of the (expense) thereof, on the lot or lots of ground so filled up, raised or drained as aforesaid, and place the assessment so made as aforesaid, in the hands of the city marshal, who shall proceed to collect the same, by the sale of such lot or lots, if not otherwise paid, in the same manner, with the same powers, and under the same regulations, and shall make good and sufficient deeds thereof to the purchaser, subject to the same right or redemption by the proprietor or proprietors, their heirs or assigns, as the law prescribes, for the time, for the sale of lands for the nonpayment of state and county taxes; but no penalty for the non-payment of any such taxes or assessments shall exceed twenty-five per cent.

      Sec. 13. That said city council shall cause the streets, lanes, alleys and commons of said city, to be kept open and in repair, and free from all kinds of nuisances; but it shall be lawful for them to continue any building or erection now standing thereon, if, in their opinion, the interest and general health of said city will not be injured thereby; they shall have the exclusive power of appointing supervisors and other officers of streets within the said city; they shall have the power, whenever the public convenience or safety shall require it, to prohibit hogs, cattle, horses, and other description of animals, from running at large in the streets, lanes, alleys, commons and other public places in said city; they shall have power to license and regulate all carts, wagons, drays, and every description of two and four wheeled carriages, which may be kept in said city for hire, all livery stables, brokers and loan officers, and to provide for the inspection and the appointment of inspectors of all articles of domestic growth, produce or manufacture, which may be brought to said city, or sold or purchased therein, for exportation, and not included in the inspection laws of said city.

      Sec. 14. That to defray the current expenses of said city, the said city council shall have power to levy and collect taxes on the real and personal property therein, as the same has been or shall be appraised and returned on the grand levy of the State: Provided, the amount of taxes levied as aforesaid shall not in any one year exceed one-fifth of one per centum on the aggregate value of taxable property in said city; they shall also have power, whenever, in their opinion, the interest of said city shall require it, to levy and collect taxes on dogs and other domestic animals, not included in the list of taxable property, for state and county purposes, which said taxes shall be collected by the city marshal or collector, and paid into the city treasury, in the same manner, with the same powers and restrictions, and under the same regulations, and in all things as to the sale of real or personal property therefor, he shall act according to the provisions and regulations of the law, for the collection of taxes for state and county purposes; and they shall have power to levy and collect a special tax from the real estate of any section, square or part of it square, or market place of said city, on the petition of the owner or owners, of not less than two-thirds in value thereof, for opening, paving, repaving or improving any street, lane, or alley bounding on or within the same, or for the purpose of lighting any section, street, lane or alley bounding on or within the same; Provided, that for the purpose of lighting such section, street, lane or alley, the owner or owners of not less than two-thirds of the real estate bound on or within the same, and both sides thereof, shall petition therefor, and for no other purpose whatever, the city council shall moreover have power, when two-thirds of the members elected shall deem it necessary to assess a special tax for supplying said city, or any portion thereof, with a night watch.

      Sec. 15. That the said city council shall have power, whenever the public good shall require it, to erect a city prison, and to regulate the police or internal government of the same; that said city prison may contain cells for solitary confinement, and such apartments as may be necessary for the safe keeping, accommodation and employment of all such persons as may be confined therein: that the said city council shall have power to pass all such ordinances as may be necessary for the apprehension and punishment of all common street beggars, common prostitutes and persons disturbing the peace of said city, who, upon conviction thereof before the mayor, in such manner as the said city council shall prescribe, may be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be confined in the cells, or kept at hard labor in said city prison for any length of time not exceeding fifteen days; that any person convicted before the mayor, under the provisions of this act, of any offence which, by the laws of the State of Ohio, is punishable in whole or in part, by confinement in the county jail, may be confined in the cells of the city prison, for any time not exceeding that specified by the laws of this State, for the punishment of such offense, or such persons so convicted, as aforesaid, may be kept at hard labor therein for the said term of confinement: And, provided also, that until such city prison shall be prepared for the reception of prisoners, the said city shall be allowed the use of the county jail of Franklin County, for the confinement of all such persons as may be convicted before the mayor, and who shall be liable to imprisonment under the laws of this state, or the ordinances of said city; and all persons so imprisoned, shall be under the charge of the sheriff of said county, who shall receive and discharge such persons in and from said jail, in such manner as shall be prescribed by the ordinances of said city, or otherwise, by due course of law; and after the said city prison shall be erected and prepared for the reception of prisoners, the marshal of said city, in the control, government and management thereof, shall have the same power and authority, and be subject to the same liabilities, as by the laws of this State now are or hereafter may be conferred and imposed upon the sheriffs of the several counties, in the control, government and management of the county jails, and all such other powers and duties as the city council may prescribe, to enforce any sentence of hard labor pronounced against any person by the said mayor.

      Sec. 16. That all moneys raised, recovered, received, or collected, by means of any tax, license, penalty, fine, forfeiture or otherwise under the authority of this act, or which may belong to said city, shall be paid into the city treasury, and shall not be drawn therefrom except by order or under the authority of the city council and it shall be the duty of said city council, to liquidate and settle all claims and demands against said city to require all officers, agents, or other persons entrusted with the disbursement or expenditure of the public money, to account to them therefor, at such time and in such manner as they may direct; and they shall annually publish, for the information of the citizens a particular statement of the receipts and expenditures of all public money belonging to said city, and also of all the debts due and owing to and from the same; and the said city council shall have power to pass all such laws and ordinances as may be necessary and proper to carry into effect the powers herein and by this act granted.

      Sec. 17. That every law or ordinance of said city, before it shall be of any force or validity, or in any manner binding on the inhabitants thereof, or others, shall be agreed to and ordered to be engrossed for its final passage by a majority of all the members of the city council; it shall then be reconsidered by the city council, and if on its final passage, it shall be adopted by a majority of all the members, it shall become a law for said city; and all questions on the final passage of any law or ordinance, or the adoption of any resolutions, shall be taken and decided by yeas and nays; and the names of the persons voting for and against the same shall be entered on the journals of said council; and all the laws and ordinances passed and adopted as aforesaid, shall be signed by the president of the council and the city recorder and immediately published in one or more of the newspapers of said city.

      Sec, 18. That it shall be the duty of the city recorder to make and keep a just and true record of all and every law and ordinance, made and established by the city council, and all their proceedings in their corporate capacity, and the record so made shall at all times be open to the inspection of any elector of said city, and he shall perform such duties and exercise such powers as may be lawfully required of him, by the ordinances of said city: and he shall preside over the meetings of the city council in the absence of the president, until otherwise directed by the city council.

      Sec. 19. That the city treasurer shall give bond with security to the recorder, to be approved by the city council before he enters on the duties of his office, conditioned for the faithful discharge thereof; he shall pay over all moneys by him received to the order of the president of the city council, countersigned by the city recorder; but no money shall be drawn from the

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