Centennial History of Columbus and Franklin County. William Alexander Taylor
E. S. Front near Friend.
Dryer, Isban G., cabinetmaker, bds. at City House.
Dennig, George, res. N. S. Rich, bet. High & 3rd.
Derickson, Edward, cooper, res. S. S. Cherry alley near Front.
Dewitt, Hiram, wagonmaker, res. W. S. Front, bet. Friend & Mound.
Denning, L., machinist, res. E. S. Scioto, bet. Mound & South.
Davis, Richard, paver, res. south. S. S. P. L., bet. Friend & High.
Dalton, Isaac, carpenter, E. S. High near South.
Daniels, H., carpenter, res. N. S. Town & 5th.
Dippel, Lawrence, potter, S. E. cor. High & 3rd alley.
Dill, Greenley, brickmaker, res. S. W. cor. 3rd & 3rd alley.
Decker, Jacob, laborer, res. S. W. cor. 3rd & S. P. L.
Durant, John, peddler, res. N. S. Mound, bet. High & 3rd.
Donigan, Wm.. sheriff, res. at the jail.
Decker, M., (A. S. D. & Co.) res. N. S. Friend, bet. 3rd & High.
Decker, Amos, boards at M. Peckers.
Pecker, A. S., res. S. S. Rich, bet. 6th & 7th.
Dobb, Rev. A. F., res. N. S. Rich, bet. 3rd & High.
Davis, Benjamin, shoemaker, res. N. P. Lane, bet. 3rd & High.
Dennison, Wm., atty-at-law, res. E. S. High, bet. Gay & Broad.
Davis, David, mason, res. S. S. North, bet. 3rd & High.
Davis, David, carpenter, res. N. S. North, bet. 3rd & 4th.
Doherty, Mrs. Eliza, res. S. S. State near Third.
Eagle Hotel, E. S. High, bet. Town & Rich.
Ebersole, C. patternmaker, F. Foundry, res. S. W. cor. 5th & Rich.
Ellia, Mrs. Mary, res. N. W. cor. Front & State.
Evans, Daniel, coachmaker, res. S. E. cor. Front & Mound.
Eldridge, Ira, grocer, near Neil House, res. in rear.
Eldridge, J., tailor, res. Town east of M. Eldridge, C. F., grocer, bds. at Wm. Eldridge's.
Eldridge, Wm.. res. E. S. Third near Friend.
Ellis, R., hardware merchant, bds at Neil House.
Edminson, Mrs. M., E. S. High, bet. Town & Rich.
Edgar, Mrs. Eleanor, seamstress, res. W. S. Front, bet. Mound & Friend.
Elphinstone, George, stonecutter, res. W. S. Scioto, bet. Friend & Mound.
Ellenbush, G., shoemaker, res. near City Brewery.
Emrick, Jacob, res. E. S. High near 5th alley.
Eswine, Daniel, farmer, res. S. E. cor. New & 5th alley.
Engler, George, laborer, res. W. S. 3rd, bet. South and S. P. Lane.
Emmick, Mrs., res. N. S. Friend, bet. High & 3rd.
Espy, J. M., res. S. S. Town, bet, 3rd & High.
Evans, David, paver, res. S. S. North, bet 3rd & High.
Evans, Mary, washerwoman, res. W. S. 7th near State.
Eckerman, Mrs., res. W. S. 6th near Town.
Eneg, Michael, gardener, res. E. S. Friend E. of 7th.
First Presbyterian Church, S. W. cor. 3rd & State.
Fritts, John, guard, O. P., res. Front, bet. North & North Pub. Lane.
Ford, C. B., stonecutter, bds at Buckeye House.
Faught. Simon, blacksmith, res. W. S. Front, bet. Broad & State.
Franklin Foundry, N. E. cor. Town & Canal.
Forman. D. S., cutter at Burdell's, bds. at Mrs. Grafton's.
Field, John, exchange broker, res. N. W. cor. 3rd & Town.
Fay, C, (F. Kilbourn & Co.) merchant, res. W. S. High near Town.
Franklin House, E. S. High, bet, Friend & Rich.
Fenton. Joseph, cutler and repairer, res. W. S. High near Rich.
Fisk, B. F., res. N. S. North Pub. Lane near New.
Flintham, Wm., iron merchant, res. E. S. 3rd near Town.
Flennekin, Mrs. Ann, seamstress, res. E. S. High near Rich.
Flennekin, Miss. Mary, milliner, bds. at Mrs. Flennekin's.
Foster, A., school teacher, res. W. S. Front, bet. Rich & Town.
Fober, Christian, tanner, res. W. S. Front, near City Brewery.
Funston, John, soap and candlemaker, res. W. S. High near South.
Frankenburg, A., grocer, res. E. S. High near South.
Frankenburg, O., res. S. W. cor. High and N alley.
Fleek, Henry carpenter, res. E. S. New near 5th alley.
Fishinger, Fred, miller, res. N. S. S. P. Lane, bet. 3rd & 4th.
Fink. Fred, grocer, res. W. S. 3rd, bet. South & Mound.
Francis. Mrs. hatbinder, res. N. S. Mound near High.
Fowler. John, mathematical instrumentmaker, res. W. S. 3rd, bet, Rich & Friend.
Fiffer, Conr'd, laborer, res. N. S. S. P. Lane near 4th.
Ferris, Daniel A., N. W. cor. Rich and 5th.
Fisher. George, drayman, res. N. S. S. P. Lane, bet. 5th & 6th.
Gilbert, M. J., (Brush & G.) atty-at-law, res. S. W. cor. High and Gay.
Gavins. E., baker, res. S. W. cor. Broad & Front.
Gill. W. A., (G. & McCune,) res. W. S. Front, bet. Broad & State.
Gill, John L., (G. & McCune,) res. W. S. Front, bet. Broad & State.
Geer, Geo., iron merchant, bds. at American Hotel.
Gibbs, Jesse, pumpmaker, S. S. Broad near Front.
German Evangelical Church, near N. W. cor. Mound & 3rd.
Gregory, Mrs., res. N. S. Broad, bet. 3rd & High.
Gabeirl, Charles, grocer, res. S. W. cor. 3rd and North.
Gootsel, Richard, laborer, res. N. E. cor. 3rd & North.
Grove, Wm., res. S. W. cor. 4th & Long.
Glazier, Joseph N., livery stable keeper, res. N. S. Town near 4th.
Garner, Thos., chairmaker, res. N. S. Town, bet. 4th & 5th.
Graham, John, surveyor, res. S. S. Friend, bet. 3rd & 4th.
Getz, George, laborer, res. W. S. 3rd, bet. Mound & Friend.
Goodman, Peter, shoemaker, res. E. S. 3rd near Mound.
Giles, Christian, laborer, res. E. S. 3rd near Mound.
Gillet, Horace S., teacher, D. & E. Asylum, res. S. S. Rich, bet. 5th & 6th.
Galloway, Orris B., res. S. S. Rich near 7th.
Getler, Frederick, laborer, re.-. W. S. 4th near S. P. Lane.
German Lutheran Church, E. S. 3rd, bet. Rich & Town.
Griffith, Timothy (G. & Carr), merchant, bds. at American Hotel.
Gwynne, E. (G. & Lamson) merchant, W. S. High near State.
Goodale, L., merchant, W. S. High,