European Integration. Mark Gilbert

European Integration - Mark Gilbert

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to persuade governments to implement the resolutions agreed at the Congress of Europe, in particular the creation of an assembly of parliamentarians that could lobby for greater European unity.54 An irritated Bevin told the House of Commons on September 15, 1948, that proposals to create political institutions before sorting out mutual defense and economic relations between governments was like “putting on the roof before building the house.”55 The British were reluctant to go farther than the creation of a council of European governments, without any form of parliamentary supervision. Many in the European Movement were pressing for the constitution of a federal European state.

      The Council’s purpose was to construct a “closer unity” between the member states through joint action in economic, social, scientific, judicial, and administrative fields. Its main institutions, the Committee of Ministers and the Assembly, were both consultative in character. The Committee of Ministers, in which each country possessed one vote and in which votes required unanimity, was a forum for member states to debate measures proposed by the member states or the assembly; its decisions were not binding upon governments. The Consultative Assembly, meanwhile, was able to propose items for debate by the ministerial committee if they were passed by a two-thirds majority, but it had no legislative power whatever: it was “designed solely as a deliberative body for the formulation and expression of European public opinion.”58 Paul-Henri Spaak was elected first president of the Assembly on August 10, 1949.

      The Assembly opened its first session in Strasbourg on August 12, 1949, amid scenes of great enthusiasm for European unity and much windy rhetoric: Churchill’s inevitable speech, for instance, was merely an egregious collection of euphonious words. Beneath the rhetoric, the Assembly was deeply divided. Most delegates agreed on the need for a supranational political organization for Western Europe—on September 5, 1949, the Assembly voted by a margin of eighty-four to two to recommend the creation of a “European political authority with limited functions but real powers”—but the British and the Nordic delegates were opposed to any kind of proposal for a federal European state. A consequence of this split in the Assembly was that much of the Council of Europe’s first two years were expended on acrimonious wrangling. Paul-Henri Spaak, who subsequently wrote in his memoirs that “of all the international bodies I have known, I have never known one more timorous and ineffectual” than the Council of Europe, resigned on December 11, 1951, from frustration at the Assembly’s caution on this issue.59

      The Convention guaranteed the traditional liberal freedoms: it did not include specific guarantees for social rights such as the right to work. To adjudicate, if breaches of the Convention had occurred, the document created two institutions: the Commission and the Court of Human Rights. The Commission’s task was to screen cases according to strict criteria; the Court then judged on the merits of the case. Article 53 of the Convention committed the signatories to the Convention to “abide by the decision of the Court,” although no sanctions could be applied in the event of noncompliance. European states have generally tried very hard not to be cited before the Court in the postwar years. The Court’s sentences have carried an explicit moral condemnation that most states have wished to avoid.60

      By the fall of 1950, despite progress on human rights, it was evident that the Council of Europe would not act as a springboard to a “European Union.” To this extent, the British had—temporarily at least—imposed their vision of ad hoc cooperation between governments. Yet it would be wrong to underestimate the power of the European ideal. Members of the European Movement openly described their political activity on behalf of a united Europe in quasi-religious terms:

      The European Movement started as an organization. It is rapidly becoming a faith—a faith that gives strength, inspiration and a sense of partnership to all those who will adopt it. That for which we are striving is clearly right. It is also clearly necessary.61

      But that was not necessarily a bad thing. Alcide De Gasperi made this point openly in May 1950:

      If there is to be a myth, just tell me what better myth of the relationship between states, the future of Europe, of the world, of security, of peace, we can give youth today if not this effort to build a Union? Do you want a myth of dictatorship, of power, or even of the heroism that accompanies the national flag? If so, we will immediately create a new conflict that will inevitably lead to war. I’m telling you that this [the myth of Europe] is a myth of peace; it is peace and it is the road that needs to be taken.62

      For political purposes, the idealism associated with the European project was an immense advantage. It was impossible to contain or dismiss the urge to construct supranational solutions for political problems: too many influential people in Western Europe regarded working for such solutions as a moral and political imperative. This would prove useful as the growing economic strength and political independence of West Germany began to loom. The mood was ripe for integrating the new democratic Germany into a common project, not isolating it or confining its growth.

      The Europe of the Six From the Schuman Plan to the Western European Union, 1950–55

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      Contemporaneously with the creation of the Council of Europe and the fervent debates in its Consultative Assembly, Western Europe took crucial steps toward greater economic integration in the coal and steel sector. On May 9, 1950, Foreign Minister Robert Schuman of France proposed that France and Germany,

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