Croatian Tales of Long Ago. Ivana Brlic-Mazuranic
Ivana Brlic-Mazuranic
Croatian Tales of Long Ago
Published by Good Press, 2019
EAN 4057664110015
Table of Contents
Bridesman Sun and Bride Bridekins
Little Brother Primrose and Sister Lavender
Notes Interpretation of Names, Etc.
Bridesman Sun and Bride Bridekins.
Little Brother Primrose and Sister Lavender.
How Quest Sought the Truth
How Quest Sought the Truth
ONCE upon a time very long ago there lived an old man in a glade in the midst of an ancient forest. His name was Witting, and he lived there with his three grandsons. Now this old man was all alone in the world save for these three grandsons, and he had been father and mother to them from the time when they were quite little. But now they were full-grown lads, so tall that they came up to their grandfather’s shoulder, and even taller. Their names were Bluster, Careful and Quest.
One spring morning old Witting got up early, before the sun had risen, called his three grandsons and told them to go into the wood