Decolonizing Politics. Robbie Shilliam

Decolonizing Politics - Robbie Shilliam

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       Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Series Title

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright Page

      5  Dedication

      6  Acknowledgments

      7  1 Introduction Aristotle’s World Organization of the Book

      8  2 Political Theory Kant: Humanitas and the Anthropos Wynter: Man1 and Man2 Conclusion

      9  3 Political Behavior The Science of Race Heredity Eugenics and Behaviorism in the United States Fanon’s anti-colonial psychiatry Conclusion

      10  4 Comparative Politics Colonialism and the Paradox of Comparison Political Development and the Committee on Comparative Politics Under-Development and Dar es Salaam University Conclusion

      11  5 International Relations Good Imperial Governance International Society A Nuclear-Free and Independent Pacific Conclusion

      12  6 Conclusion

      13  References

      14  Index

      15  End User License Agreement


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


      1  ii

      2  iii

      3  iv

      4  v

      5  vi

      6  viii

      7  1

      8  2

      9  3

      10  4

      11  5

      12  6

      13  7

      14  8

      15  9

      16  10

      17  11

      18  12

      19  13

      20  14

      21  15

      22  16

      23  17

      24  18

      25  19

      26  20

      27  21

      28  22

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