The Way Beyond. Joseph Benner
Joseph Benner
The Way Beyond
Published by
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[email protected] 2017 OK Publishing ISBN 978-80-272-2351-0
Table of Contents
Chapter 6 An Absolute Letting Go
Chapter 8 The Christ Consciousness
In our booklet, "The Way Out" was pointed the way to freedom from lack, limitation, inharmony, disease and unhappiness, and there is no excuse for any who faithfully follow the suggestions given to be any longer in such condition.
The booklet has reached scores of thousands of readers and many have been lifted by its truths into a new consciousness, and thereby into a new world, where everything and everybody are changed, for they are seeing with new eyes, and with different understanding.
That which appears is no longer what it seemed, but the good and the real are now visible and can be seen shining through all conditions and people - because they are now looked for, and the former negative tendencies are tabooed and not allowed to enter the consciousness.
This is not the case with all of course, for a great number have not been able to conquer those tendencies which so long have been permitted to rule. The press of circumstances and the negative conditions everywhere manifest seemingly have been too much for them and they have become utterly discouraged, not knowing that they actually have within themselves the power to rise out of these conditions, and that help is waiting the moment they awaken from their despondency and definitely determine to do the best they can to prove the truth of what was stated in the booklet.
It is for such that this new Message is written, with the earnest desire that all who read will be so inspired by its truths that they will make the necessary effort and will thus receive the good that has been waiting for them from the beginning.
We first urge that everyone who reads procure a copy of "THE WAYOUT", if one is not already owned, and that it be studied carefully and prayerfully. It will do no good merely to read it, even to study it, unless what is given you to do is faithfully TRIED until proven - that is, tried day after day in all your thinking, speaking and acting, for at least one month.
If you will do it that long, we promise that such a change will manifest in your consciousness and likewise in your affairs that it will be a turning point in your life, and you will never again return to the old way of thinking and acting. Is it not then worth the effort? Then do not let anything prevent your making a supreme effort, asking God to give you the strength and ability to accomplish what we have shown.
Chapter 1
God Within You
Now, we are going to try to make clear to you the statement in "The Way Out" that God is within you; make it so clear that never more will you think of Him as somewhere up in the skies, nor will you be uncertain as to who or what He is,
First try to realize that the life animating and growing you is not your life, that you have no control over it, that it does things to you, causes you to do things, puts you through all the experiences you are undergoing without your consent, and that seemingly it knows just what it is doing and must have a very wise and loving purpose in doing it.
Likewise the consciousness that you call yours seemingly receives all its ideas, thoughts and impressions wholly independently of your will or desire, They come into your mind when they will, influence your feelings and actions continually, and you have little power to prevent it,
Also you will admit that you have no power of your own, that you can think, speak and do only as the power to do these things is given you from within, and that Something doing all this, unquestionably is a greater, far wiser and a very loving Something that knows always what to do, knows the end before the beginning, and is apparently trying to teach your human mind about itself, teach it the lessons contained in each experience, and the laws back of life and of physical manifestation. Because that Something is so different from and yet is so intimate a part of what you call you, it must be akin to what is termed God.
We have called it the Higher Self, and it is in fact very God in you. It is like a ray or reflection of God's mind shining somewhere deep within your consciousness, a "light which shineth in the darkness, but the darkness (of the outer human mind) knoweth it not".
For certainly when It can get your mind's attention and you listen, it displays a wisdom that is as near to that of God as the human mind can conceive. And those who heed and obey are given a glimpse of something wonderful, which while inexpressible is altogether divine and most satisfying.
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