The Principles of Masonic Law. Albert Mackey
Albert Mackey
The Principles of Masonic Law
Published by Good Press, 2020
EAN 4064066440268
Table of Contents
Chapter II: Of the Mode of Organizing Grand Lodges.
Chapter III: Of the Members of a Grand Lodge.
Chapter IV: Of the Officers of a Grand Lodge.
Chapter V: Of the Powers and Prerogatives of a Grand Lodge.
Chapter I: Of the Nature and Organization of Subordinate Lodges.
Chapter II: Of Lodges under Dispensation.
Chapter III: Of Lodges Working under a Warrant of Constitution.
Chapter IV: Of the Officers of a Subordinate Lodge.
Chapter I: Of the Qualifications of Candidates.
Chapter II: Of the Rights of Entered Apprentices.
Chapter III: Of the Rights of Fellow Crafts.
Chapter IV: Of the Rights of Master Masons.
Chapter V: Of the Rights of Past Masters.
Chapter VIII: Of Unaffiliated Masons.
Chapter I: Of What Are Masonic Crimes.
Chapter II: Of Masonic Punishments.
Chapter III: Of Masonic Trials.
Chapter IV: Of the Penal Jurisdiction of a Lodge.
Book First. The Law of Grand Lodges.
It is proposed in this Book, first to present the reader with a brief historical sketch of the rise and progress of the system of Grand Lodges; and then to explain, in the subsequent sections, the mode in which such bodies are originally organized, who constitute their officers and members, and what are their acknowledged prerogatives.
Chapter II: Of the Mode of Organizing Grand Lodges.
Chapter III: Of the Members of a Grand Lodge.
Chapter IV: Of the Officers of a Grand Lodge.
Section I. Of the Grand Master.Section II. The Deputy Grand Master.Section III. Of the Grand Wardens.Section IV. Of the Grand Treasurer.Section V. Of the Grand Secretary.Section VI. Of the Grand Chaplain.Section VII. Of the Grand Deacons.Section VIII. Of the Grand Marshal.Section IX. Of the Grand Stewards.Section X. Of the Grand Sword-Bearer.Section XI. Of the Grand Tiler.
Chapter V: Of the Powers and Prerogatives of a Grand Lodge.
Section I. General View.Section II. Of the Legislative Power of a Grand Lodge.Section III. Of the Judicial Power of a Grand Lodge.Section IV. Of the Executive Power of a Grand Lodge.
Book Second. Laws of Subordinate Lodges.
Having thus succinctly treated of the law in relation to Grand Lodges, I come next in order to consider the law as it respects the organization, rights, powers, and privileges of subordinate Lodges; and the first question that will engage our attention will be, as to the proper method of organizing a Lodge.
Chapter I: Of the Nature and Organization of Subordinate Lodges.
Chapter II: Of Lodges under Dispensation.
Chapter III: Of Lodges Working under a Warrant of Constitution.
Section I. Of the Powers and Rights of a Lodge.Section II. Of the Duties of a Lodge.
Chapter IV: Of the Officers of a Subordinate Lodge.
Section I. Of the Officers in General.Section II. Of the Worshipful Master.Section III. Of the Wardens.Section IV. Of the Treasurer.Section V. Of the Secretary.Section VI. Of the Deacons.Section VII. Of the Stewards.Section VIII. Of the Tiler.
Section I. Of