Thomas Otway. Thomas Otway
Thomas Otway
Thomas Otway
The Best Plays of the Old Dramatists
Published by Good Press, 2019
EAN 4064066249366
Table of Contents
To His Royal Highness THE DUKE. [6]
SCENE I.— An Apartment in the Palace.
SCENE I.— An Orange Grove, near the Palace.
SCENE I.— The Ante-Chamber to the Queen's Apartment .
SCENE I.— An Apartment in the Palace.
To Her Royal Highness the DUCHESS. [16]
SCENE I.— An Ante-Room in Acasto's House .
SCENE I.— A Room in Acasto's House .
SCENE I.— The Garden before Acasto's House .
SCENE I.— A Room in Acasto's House .
SCENE II.— Another Room in Acasto's House .
SCENE I.— The Garden before Acasto's House .
SCENE II.— A Room in Acasto's House .
SCENE I.— The Mall in St. James's Park.
SCENE II.— A Room in Sir Davy Dunce 's House .
SCENE I.— The Street before Whitehall.
SCENE I.— Outside Sir Davy Dunce 's House in Covent Garden .
SCENE II.— A Room in Sir Davy Dunce's House .
SCENE II.— Outside Sir Davy Dunce's House .
SCENE III.— The Entrance Hall in the same.