The Winning of Popular Government. Archibald MacMechan

The Winning of Popular Government - Archibald MacMechan

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       Archibald MacMechan

      The Winning of Popular Government

      A Chronicle of the Union of 1841

      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4057664565525


       CHAPTER I




       CHAPTER V




       Table of Contents

BURNING OF THE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, MONTREAL, 1849 From a colour drawing by C. W. Jefferys. Frontispiece
THE EARL OF DURHAM After the painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Facing page 6
LORD SYDENHAM From an engraving by G. Browning in M'Gill University Library. " 34
SIR CHARLES BAGOT From an engraving in the Dominion Archives. " 74
SIR CHARLES METCALFE After a painting by Bradish. " 82
CHARLES, EARL GREY From the painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence. " 98
SIR LOUIS H. LAFONTAINE After a photograph by Notman. " 108
THE EARL OF ELGIN From a daguerreotype. " 136


       Table of Contents


      And let him be dictator

       For six months and no more.

      The curious sightseer in modern Toronto, conducted through the well-kept, endless avenues of handsome dwellings which are that city's pride, might be surprised to learn that at the northern end of the street which cuts the city in two halves, east and west, bands of armed Canadians met in battle less than a century ago. If he continued his travels to Montreal, he might be told, at a certain point, 'Here stood the Parliament Buildings, when our city was the capital of the country; and here a governor-general of Canada was mobbed, pelted with rotten eggs and stones, and narrowly escaped with his life.' And if the intelligent traveller asked the reason for such scenes, where now all is peace, the answer might be given in one word—Politics.

      To the young, politics seems rather a stupid sort of game played by the bald and obese middle-aged, for very high stakes, and governed by no rules that any player is bound to respect. Between the rival teams no difference is observable, save that one enjoys the sweets of office and the mouth of the other is watering for them. But this is, of course, the hasty judgment of uncharitable youth. The struggle between political parties in Canada arose in the past from a difference in political principles. It was a difference that could be defined; it could be put into plain words. On the one side and the other the guiding ideas could be formulated; they could be defended and they could be attacked in logical debate. Sometimes it might pass the wit of man to explain the difference between the Ins and the Outs. Sometimes politics may be a game; but often it has been a battle. In support of their political principles the strongest passions of men have been aroused, and their deepest convictions of right and wrong. The things by which men live, their religious creeds, their pride of race, have been enlisted on the one side and the other. This is true of Canadian politics.


      Futile and pitiful as were the rebellions, whether regarded as attempts to set up new government or as military adventures, they had widespread and most serious consequences within and without the country. In Britain the news caused consternation. Two more American colonies were in revolt. Battles had been fought and British troops had been defeated. These might prove, as thought Storrow Brown, one of the leaders of the 'Sons of Liberty' in Lower Canada, so many Lexingtons, with a Saratoga and a Yorktown to follow. Sir John Colborne, the commander-in-chief, was asking for reinforcements. In Lower Canada civil government was at an end. There was danger of international complications. For disorders almost without precedent the British parliament found an almost unprecedented remedy. It invested one man with extraordinary powers. He was to be captain-general and commander-in-chief over the provinces of British North America, and also 'High Commissioner for the adjustment of certain important questions depending in the … Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada respecting the form and future government of the said Provinces.' He was given 'full power and authority … by all lawful ways and means, to inquire into, and, as far as may be possible, to adjust all questions … respecting the Form and Administration of the Civil Government' of the provinces

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