Big Data. Seifedine Kadry

Big Data - Seifedine  Kadry

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      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page

      4  Dedication Page

      5  Acknowledgments

      6  About the Author

      7  1 Introduction to the World of Big Data 1.1 Understanding Big Data 1.2 Evolution of Big Data 1.3 Failure of Traditional Database in Handling Big Data 1.4 3 Vs of Big Data 1.5 Sources of Big Data 1.6 Different Types of Data 1.7 Big Data Infrastructure 1.8 Big Data Life Cycle 1.9 Big Data Technology 1.10 Big Data Applications 1.11 Big Data Use Cases Chapter 1 Refresher Conceptual Short Questions with Answers Frequently Asked Interview Questions

      8  2 Big Data Storage Concepts 2.1 Cluster Computing 2.2 Distribution Models 2.3 Distributed File System 2.4 Relational and Non‐Relational Databases 2.5 Scaling Up and Scaling Out Storage Conceptual Short Questions with Answers

      9  3 NoSQL Database 3.1 Introduction to NoSQL 3.2 Why NoSQL 3.3 CAP Theorem 3.4 ACID 3.5 BASE 3.6 Schemaless Databases 3.7 NoSQL (Not Only SQL) 3.8 Migrating from RDBMS to NoSQL Chapter 3 Refresher Conceptual Short Questions with Answers

      10  4 Processing, Management Concepts, and Cloud Computing 4.1 Data Processing 4.2 Shared Everything Architecture 4.3 Shared‐Nothing Architecture 4.4 Batch Processing 4.5 Real‐Time Data Processing 4.6 Parallel Computing 4.7 Distributed Computing 4.8 Big Data Virtualization Part II: Managing and Processing Big Data in Cloud Computing 4.9 Introduction 4.10 Cloud Computing Types 4.11 Cloud Services 4.12 Cloud Storage 4.13 Cloud Architecture Chapter 4 Refresher Conceptual Short Questions with Answers Cloud Computing Interview Questions

      11  Chapter 5: Driving Big Data with Hadoop Tools and Technologies 5.1 Apache Hadoop 5.2 Hadoop Storage 5.3 Hadoop Computation 5.4 Hadoop 2.0 5.5 HBASE 5.6 Apache Cassandra 5.7 SQOOP 5.8 Flume 5.9 Apache Avro 5.10 Apache Pig 5.11 Apache Mahout 5.12 Apache Oozie 5.13 Apache Hive 5.14 Hive Architecture 5.15 Hadoop Distributions Chapter 5 Refresher Conceptual Short Questions with

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