I realize that I realize all there is myself. Katia Ricklin
All rights of distribution, also through movies, radio and television, photomechanical reproduction, sound carrier, electronic medium and reprinting in excerpts are reserved.
© 2021 novum publishing
ISBN print edition: 978-3-99107-337-6
ISBN e-book: 978-3-99107-338-3
Cover photo: Katia Ricklin
Cover design, layout & typesetting: novum publishing
Internal illustrations: Katia Ricklin
Splitting / Diversion / Separation
By the jump into this-worldliness, the moment of your birth, you wandered step by step, year by year into the pole of matter, and split your multidimensional being and knowing into all manifestation. You were not aware of the fact that all that you see and hear from day one of your life is part of your true Self and that you consequently separated yourself as ‘I’ from your wholly Self. On this path, pictures and voices on the outside fascinated you, and you started to believe that these projections of yourself are real. When you began to give the outside more importance than to yourself, the division between your inside and the outside happened – this new consciousness separated from the great unconscious. Subsequently, you as an ‘I’ then lost your entity and fell out of the ‘androgyne’ status that combines the male and the female sides. Adam symbolizes your real being in whom both poles were one at the beginning.
You all were born alone. And it was your will to pass through this world to become conscious of your entity and become ‘all-one’ again! Life will bring you back to your true Self – to the center that you are!
This image of the diversion of the cells will help you understand the splitting of yourself. One original cell divides itself, first in 2, then in 4, in 8, and so forth until this basic unit has divided itself into millions of cells that all carry the same consciousness. However, each of these cells has its own function in the system. The baby comes out of this immense diversity as a human being.
Every single person is a conglomeration of an intangible diversity. Two poles (egg and semen) make the conception: the negative female and receptive pole plus the positive male and urging forward pole. After birth, the same splitting takes place. The baby divides itself into 2 projections – into the female mother and the male father. And then into the 4 grandparents, again female and male parts. Subsequently, there are more and more projections of the baby unit until the outer world reflects all the inner diversity and wisdom.
What you perceive as reality is, in fact, the diversion of your wholly Self – the one and all!
By parting yourself in millions of aspects of yourself and not being aware of this fact, you start to believe that the projections are outside. And by giving them the power, you make yourself little. You listen to the YOU’s, become submissive, and lose the belief into yourself. You accept what the parents, teachers, and other people tell you and start subsequently to build up thought- and faith-patterns.
You undermine your own needs as you start:
To believe that you are only loved and accepted when you do something good
To give away love obsequiously
To pass on your energy to others
To stand up to others
To show understanding for others
To listen to others
To want to be loyal
To help
To take over initiatives and responsibility for others
To pity others
To take over tasks for others and hence give up yourself.
But also:
Criticize others
Get angry at others
Blame others
Believe that you are as you are and therefore think that you cannot change your situation.
The threats coming from the outside make you insecure and lets you protect all around you. As you have lost your inner security, you are afraid that the ‘outside’ could take away precious things like money, healthiness, a beloved person, and finally, your own life. You hold fast onto that what you believe in having in the shine of reality and fight for it because you have lost faith in yourself. You do not dare to let go – you are afraid of death as you do not understand that death is the other pole of life. The old has to dissolve to make room for the new – this happens from one moment to the next!
With the help of this drawing, you can see how you ascend from point 0, your birth, to an adult. By expanding into the pole of matter and the splitting of yourself, you separate yourself from your original unit. You now are grown-up and tall, but inside, you feel small and lost in relation to the massive pole of matter. The outside that you have created yourself is overpowering and restricting you. You then arrive at point 0 by asking you: what now. Your inner Self is pushing you to a change. You start to ask yourself why you live – what purpose lies behind the matter. By searching for answers, you begin to concentrate more on yourself and are ready to deal with yourself and your life. Your new way is: To find back to your wholeness and to become aware of being the center of all that is.
By stepping into the spiritual path, you will scrutinize all your ‘I have to’s and I musts’ as these are your wrong doctrines and thought patterns that you have stored inside for a long time.
Consequently, you will be able
To take on responsibility for yourself
To critically look at situations you are experiencing
To love you yourself
To believe in yourself
To use your fire and your energy for yourself and your growth
To understand yourself
To open up for your inner voice
To have faith in yourself
To be aware that only you yourself can truly help you
To take the initiative for changes
To stop suffering and having feelings of guilt
To stop accusing the outside but to learn to see your own mistakes mirrored by your friends
To start to live
To find self-fulfillment and your potential capacities