Soil Bioremediation. Группа авторов
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2 Bioremediation: A Green Solution to avoid Pollution of the Environment
Muhammad Mahroz Hussain1, Zia Ur Rahman Farooqi1, Junaid Latif 2, Muhammad Umair Mubarak1, and Fazila Younas1
1 Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Faisalabad, Pakistan
2 College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Yangling, China
2.1 Introduction
Phytoremediation is a leading technology that helps to resolve the issues related to toxic metal removal with the help of a green revolutionary technique. In a green revolutionary technique the best genetically appropriate plants assist removal of toxic metals from contaminated soil. These plants can degrade, remove, immobilize, or metabolize toxic metal in a wide range of areas, e.g., wetland or a terrestrial land system. Phytoremediation is not a new technology. Almost 300 years ago different types of plants species were utilized to clean‐up wastewater [1]. At the end of the nineteenth century, Thlaspi caerulescens and Viola calaminaria were the first plant species that were documented to accumulate high levels of metals in their leaves [2]. In 1935, Byers reported that plants of the genus Astragalus could accumulate up to 0.6% selenium in dry shoot biomass. One decade later, it was identified that plants could accumulate up to 1% Ni in shoots [3]. In the last decade, extensive research has been conducted to investigate the biology of metal phytoextraction. Metal hyperaccumulation is a phenomenon generally associated with species endemic to metalliferous soils, and it is found in only a very small proportion of such metallophytes. Furthermost, but not all, hyperaccumulators are strictly endemic to metalliferous soils. More than 430 taxa are described to date in all continents in temperate and tropical environments. Notable centers of distribution are: Ni – New Caledonia, Cuba, South East Asia, Brazil, Southern Europe, and Asia Minor; Zn and Pb – Europe; Co and Cu – Southcentral Africa. Some families and genera are particularly well represented, i.e., for Ni: Brassicaceae (Alyssum and Thlaspi), Euphorbiaceae (Phyllanthus, Leucocroton), and Asteraceae (Senecio, Pentacalia); Zn: Brassicaceae (Thlaspi); Cu and Co: Lamiaceae and Scrophulariaceae. Phytoremediation can be practiced to scavenge both organic and inorganic pollutants present in solid substrates (soil), liquid substrates (water), and the air.