A Companion to Chomsky. Группа авторов
Table of Contents
1 Cover
2 Blackwell Companions to Philosophy
7 1 Synoptic Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Part I: Historical Development of Linguistics 1.3 Part II: Contemporary Issues in Syntax 1.4 Part III: Comparisons with Other Frameworks 1.5 Part IV: Processing and Acquisition 1.6 Part V: Semantics, Pragmatics, and Philosophy of Language 1.7 Part VI: Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Mind 1.8 Part VIII: Methodological and Other Explanatory Issues Endnotes References
8 2 Biographical Sketch Endnote References
Part I: Historical Development of Linguistics
3 From the Origins of Government and Binding to the Current State of Minimalism1
3.1 Setting the Scene
3.2 Some Context: The Emerging Idea of Principles and Parameters
3.3 Principles and Parameters: Solving Plato's Problem
3.4 Government and Binding
3.5 The Minimalist Program: Untying the Descriptive vs. Explanatory Knot
3.6 Current Tendencies
3.7 Conclusion
4 The Enduring Discoveries of Generative Syntax
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Shaping the Research Methodology of Generative Linguistics
4.3 Generative Syntax Through the Lens of Nonlocal Dependencies
4.4 Conclusion
5 The Chomsky Hierarchy1
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Rewriting Grammars
5.3 Type 3 Grammars: Finite State Grammars
5.4 Type 2 Grammars: Context‐Free Grammars
5.5 Beyond Context‐Free Grammars
5.6 Conclusion
6 Naturalism, Internalism, and Nativism:
Part II: Contemporary Issues in Syntax
8 The Architecture of the Computation1