To University and Beyond. Mandee Heller Adler

To University and Beyond - Mandee Heller Adler

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      This book delivers a roadmap for students looking to maximize their investment in higher education, offering the tools necessary to stand out among the crowds of eager, young professionals.

       —Karim Faris

       General Partner, GV (Formerly Google Ventures)

      After reading this book, students will know not only what it means to be in the driver's seat of their education and professional careers but also what it looks like to play an active role in their own success.

       —Congressman Peter Deutsch

       Member of the US House of Representatives (1993–2005)

      My assessment of candidates has always been less quantifiable and based more on a gut feeling. Mandee and David have captured and organized the exact qualities that I'm looking for. Better still, they give specific instructions on how to obtain and demonstrate the experience that admissions and talent acquisition professional like me are seeking.

       —Debbie Fredberg

       Talent Acquisition Manager, Boston Consulting Group

       Former Assistant Director of Admissions, Harvard Business School

       Former Associate Director of Career Development, MIT Sloan School of Management

      The University and Beyond is the book that I wish I'd had as I was entering college and then embarking upon my own career. Although there are elements of inspiration in it, the book stands out for its practical, actionable advice.

      In an increasingly competitive world, To University and Beyond will show you how to stand out as you embark upon your career, and it does so in a practical, actionable way.

      I've led teams, companies, and organizations for 30 years. How I wish every newly minted college graduate I ever hired would have read To University and Beyond and done what Mandee and David recommend! This is by far the most practical guide to help you find early career success.

       —Patrick Mullane

       Executive Director, Harvard Business School Online

       —Jackie Gordon

       Managing Director, Deutsche Bank

      Your first job is often the most important indicator of future career opportunity and success. Mandee and David offer great tips and resources to map out a successful future career path for college students.

      —Allison O'Kelly

       CEO and Founder of Corps Team

      Drawing on decades of education and business experience, Adler and Teten provide tomorrow's leaders with an instruction manual for making the most of college.

       —Ethan J. Hollander

       Professor of Political Science, Wabash College

      To University and Beyond clearly explains making the most out of your education in and out of the classroom. The action‐oriented tips to start and maintain a successful career provided by the book make it a valuable resource for students and professionals.

       —Stephanie L. Carey

       PhD, Research Professor

       University of South Florida, College of Engineering

      Eye‐popping college tuition sparks the question from parents and students—“How do I maximize this investment?” Authors Adler and Teten give hundreds of tips and clear directions to guide you through the college years and beyond. A perfect high school graduation gift!

       —Eva Bongiovanni

       COO of InfoLawGroup and Adjunct Lecturer, Northwestern University

      Pragmatic, logical, helpful, and practical. I wish 20‐year‐old me would have had access to this book. Mandee and David do an outstanding job sharing their collective wisdom and insights, often including specific details that can certainly help lead to eminent success in one's personal and professional life.

       —Terry W. Knaus

       Executive Director

       Higher Education Consultants Association

      by Mandee Heller Adler and David Teten

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