The Red Window. Fergus Hume
Fergus Hume
The Red Window
Published by Good Press, 2021
EAN 4057664577368
Table of Contents
"Hullo, Gore!"
The young soldier stopped, started, colored with annoyance, and with a surprised expression turned to look on the other soldier who had addressed him. After a moment's scrutiny of the stranger's genial smile he extended his hand with pleased recognition. "Conniston," said he, "I thought you were in America."
"So I am; so don't call me Conniston at the pitch of your voice, old boy. His lordship of that name is camping on Californian slopes for a big game shoot. The warrior who stands before you is Dick West of the —— Lancers, the old Come-to-the-Fronts. And what are you doing as an Imperial Yeoman, Gore?"
"Not that name," said the other, with an anxious glance around. "Like yourself, I don't want to be known."
"Oh! So you are sailing under false colors also?"
"Against my will, Conniston—I mean West. I am Corporal Bernard."