Gleanings of a Mystic. Max Heindel

Gleanings of a Mystic - Max Heindel

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       Max Heindel

      Gleanings of a Mystic

      A Series of Essays on Practical Mysticism

      Published by Good Press, 2021

       [email protected]

      EAN 4057664590114


       Chapter I Initiation: What It Is and Is Not

       Chapter II Initiation: What It Is and Is Not

       Chapter III The Sacrament of Communion

       Chapter IV The Sacrament of Communion “ In Remembrance of Me. ”

       Chapter V The Sacrament of Baptism

       Chapter VI The Sacrament of Marriage

       Chapter VII The Unpardonable Sin and Lost Souls

       Chapter VIII The Immaculate Conception

       Chapter IX The Coming Christ

       Chapter X The Coming Age

       Sugar For Alcohol

       Chapter XI Meat and Drink as Factors In Evolution

       Chapter XII A Living Sacrifice

       Chapter XIII Magic, White and Black

       Chapter XIV Our Invisible Government

       Chapter XV Practical Precepts For Practical People

       Chapter XVI Sound, Silence, and Soul Growth

       Chapter XVII The “Mysterium Magnum” of the Rose Cross

       Chapter XVIII Stumbling Blocks

       Chapter XIX The Lock of Upliftment

       Chapter XX The Cosmic Meaning of Easter

       Chapter XXI The Cosmic Meaning of Easter

       Chapter XXII The Newborn Christ

       Chapter XXIII Why I am a Rosicrucian

       Chapter XXIV The Object of the Rosicrucian Fellowship


       Table of Contents

      The contents of this book are among the last writings of Max Heindel, the mystic. They contain some of his deepest thoughts, and are the result of years of research and occult investigation. He, too, could say as did Parsifal: “Through error and through suffering I came, through many failures and through countless woes.” At last he was given the living water with which he was able to quench the spiritual thirst of many souls. He also developed to their depths pity and love, and could feel the heart throbs of suffering humanity.

      Strong souls are usually endowed with great energy and impulse, and through these very forces, they forge to the front ranks though they often suffer much. As a result they are filled with compassion for others. The writer of these lessons sacrificed his physical body on the altar of service.

      In writing the books and monthly lessons of the Fellowship, in his lectures and class work, and in the arduous pioneer work of establishing Headquarters within the short span of ten years, Max Heindel accomplished more than many who are blessed with perfect health could have accomplished in a lifetime. His first book, his masterpiece, “The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception,” was written under the direct guidance of the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross. It carries a vital message to the world. It satisfies not alone the intellect, but also the heart. His “Freemasonry and Catholicism,” has found its way into many Masonic libraries. The occultist has received much from the book entitled, “The Web of Destiny,” which is a mine of mystical knowledge and helpful occult truths. It is also a guide to the investigator, establishing danger signals for the venturesome ones who wish to take heaven by storm. To the science of astrology he has given more in a few years than has previously been discovered in centuries. His two valuable works, “Simplified Scientific Astrology” and “The Message of the Stars,” deal largely with the spiritual and medical aspects of astrology. The latter gives methods of diagnosis and healing which form a valuable addition to the works of other authors, both ancient and modern. These books may be found in the libraries of many doctors of the old school.

      In “Gleanings of a Mystic” are found twenty-four lessons which were formerly sent out to students. It is the wish of the writer of this introduction that these lessons may carry a message of love and cheer to the soul-hungry reader and hope to the disconsolate one.

      —Augusta Foss Heindel.

       Initiation: What It Is and Is Not

       Table of Contents

      PART I

      It is no rare occurrence to receive questions relating to Initiation, and we are also frequently asked to state whether this order or that society is genuine, and whether the initiations they offer to all comers who have the price are bona fide. For that reason it seems necessary to write a treatise on the subject so that students of the Rosicrucian Fellowship may have an official statement for reference and guidance in the future.

      In the first place let it be clearly understood that we consider it

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