glauben-hoffen-singen. Группа авторов
1 The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty. / Let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice. / He wraps himself in light, and darkness tries to hide, / and trembles at his voice, and trembles at his voice.
Refrain: How great is our God! / Sing with me: How great is our God! / And all will see how great, how great is our God!
2 And age to age he stands, and time is in his hands; / Beginning and the End, Beginning and the End. / The Godhead, three in one, Father, Spirit, Son, / the Lion and the Lamb, the Lion and the Lamb. Refrain
Brigde: /: Name above all names, / worthy of all praise. / My heart will sing: How great is our God!:/ Refrain
Text und Melodie: Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves und Ed Cash 2004
deutsch: Arne Kopfermann 2006
© songs / sixsteps Music / Wondrously Made Songs
Lord, I lift your name on high, / Lord, I love to sing your praises. / I'm so glad you're in my life, / I'm so glad you came to save us. / You came from heaven to earth to show the way, / from the earth to the cross, my debt to pay; / from the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky; / Lord, I lift your name on high.
Text, Melodie und Satz: Rick Founds 1989
deutsch: Karin Geitz 1995
© Universal Music – Brentwood Benson Publishing
Text und Melodie: Lothar Kosse 1995
Satz: Kommission 2015
© Text und Melodie: Praize Republic
© Satz: Saatkorn
/: Open the eyes of my heart, Lord / open the eyes of my heart; / I want to see you, / I want to see you. :/
To see you high and lifted up, / shining in the light of your glory. / Pour out your power and love; / as we sing holy, holy, holy,/: holy, holy, holy, / holy, holy holy, / I want to see you. :/
Text und Melodie: Paul Baloche 1997
deutsch: Daniel Jacobi 2000
Satz: Jürgen Hartmann 2015
© Integrity's Hosanna! Music
1 Blessed be your name in the land that is plentiful, / where your streams of abundance flow, blessed be your name. / Blessed be your name when I'm found in the desert place, / though I walk through the wilderness, blessed be your name. / Ev'ry blessing you pour out I'll turn back to praise. / When the darkness closes in, Lord, still I will say:
Refrain: Blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be your name. / Blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be your glorious name.
2 Blessed be your name when the sun's shining down on me, / when the world's all as it should be, blessed be your name. / Blessed be your name on the road marked with suffering, / though there's pain in the offering, blessed be your name. / Ev'ry blessing you pour out I'll turn back to praise. / When the darkness closes in, Lord, still I will say: Refrain
Brigde: /: You give and take away, / you give and take away. / My heart will choose to say, / Lord, blessed be your name. :/ Refrain
Text und Melodie: Matt und Beth Redman 2002;
dt.: Andreas Waldmann und Kai Peters 2005
© Thankyou Music