Handbook of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine. S. R. Prabhu
Table of Contents
1 Cover
5 Foreword
6 Preface
9 Nomenclature Used in The Study of Human Disease
10 Standard Abbreviations for Prescribers
Part I: Pathology of Teeth and Supporting Structures
1 Disorders of Tooth Development and Eruption
1.1 Anodontia, Hypodontia and Oligodontia
1.2 Hyperdontia (Supernumerary Teeth)
1.3 Microdontia and Macrodontia
1.4 Gemination, Fusion and Concrescence
1.5 Taurodontism and Dilaceration
1.6 Amelogenesis Imperfecta
1.7 Dentinogenesis Imperfecta
1.8 Dentinal Dysplasia (Dentin Dysplasia)
1.9 Regional Odontodysplasia (Ghost Teeth)
1.10 Delayed Tooth Eruption
1.11 Tooth Impaction (Impacted Teeth)
1.12 Dens Invaginatus and Dens Evaginatus
1.13 Fluorosis (Mottled Enamel)
1.14 Tetracycline‐Induced Discoloration of Teeth: Key Features
1.15 Enamel Pearl: Key Features
1.16 Talon Cusp: Key Features
1.17 Hutchinson's Incisors and Mulberry Molars: Key Features
1.18 Tooth Ankylosis: Key Features
1.19 Supernumerary Roots: Key Features
Recommended Reading
2 Dental caries
2.1 Definition/Description
2.2 Frequency
2.3 Aetiology/Risk Factors/Pathogenesis
2.4 Classification of Caries
2.5 Clinical Features
2.6 Differential Diagnosis
2.7 Diagnosis
2.8 Microsopic Features
2.9 Management
2.10 Prevention
Recommended Reading
3 Diseases of the Pulp and Apical Periodontal Tissues
3.1 Classification of Diseases of the Pulp and Apical Periodontal Tissues
3.2 Pulpitis
3.3 Apical Periodontitis and Periapical Granuloma
3.4 Apical Abscess (Dentoalveolar Abscess)
3.5 Condensing Osteitis
Recommended Reading
4 Tooth Wear, Pathological Resorption of Teeth, Hypercementosis and Cracked Tooth Syndrome
4.1 Tooth wear: Attrition, Abrasion, Erosion, and Abfraction
4.2 Pathological Resorption of Teeth
4.3 Hypercementosis
4.4 Cracked Tooth Syndrome
Recommended Reading
5 Gingival and Periodontal Diseases
5.1 Classification of Gingival and Periodontal Diseases
5.2 Chronic Gingivitis
5.3 Necrotizing Periodontal Diseases
5.4 Plasma Cell Gingivitis
5.5 Foreign Body Gingivitis
5.6 Desquamative Gingivitis
5.7 Chronic Periodontitis
5.8 Aggressive Periodontitis
5.9 Fibrous Epulis (Peripheral Fibroma)
5.10 Peripheral Ossifying/Cementifying Fibroma
5.11 Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma (Giant Cell Epulis)