What is Metaphysics?. John Heil

What is Metaphysics? - John Heil

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tion id="ua7a9cd7e-f867-53a2-af15-87b1ff0db567">


      1  Cover

      2  Endorsement

      3  Series Page

      4  Title Page

      5  Copyright

      6  Dedication

      7  Preface

      8  Acknowledgments

      9  1 Introduction 1.0 Metaphysics Is . . . What? 1.1 Metametaphysics 1.2 Ontology 1.3 What Now? Glossary Further Readings

      10  2 Time Goes By – Or Does It? 2.0 Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow 2.1 The A Series and the B Series 2.2 A Fourth Dimension 2.3 Going with the Flow Glossary Further Readings

      11  3 Appearance and Reality 3.0 The Saga of Two Tables 3.1 Idealism 3.2 The Reconciliation Project 3.3 The Manifest and Scientific Images 3.4 Levels of Reality 3.5 Levels of Difficulty 3.6 The State of Play 3.7 Truthmaking Glossary Further Readings

      12  4 What There Is 4.0 Categories of Being 4.1 Substance and Property 4.2 Tropes 4.3 Universals 4.4 Historical Interlude 4.5 Modes 4.6 Universals Fight Back 4.7 Substances Glossary Further Readings

      13  5 What Else There Is 5.0 Relations 5.1 Internal and External Relations 5.2 Spatial (and Temporal) Locations 5.3 Causation 5.4 The Causal Matrix 5.5 Chancy Powers Glossary Further Readings

      14  6 One from Many, Many from One 6.0 Essences 6.1 Wholes from Parts 6.2 Complexes and Their Parts 6.3 Identity and Composition 6.4 Essences to the Rescue 6.5 Parts from Wholes 6.6 Personal Identity Glossary Further Readings

      15  7 Aristotle vs Hume 7.0 Bringings About 7.1 Aristotelianism 7.2 Humeanism 7.3 Qualitied Somethings 7.4 Speculative Cosmology 7.5 Hylomorphism 7.6 A Humean Cosmology Glossary Further Readings

      16  8 Is this Chapter Really Necessary? 8.0 Necessitation 8.1 Modality 8.2 Alternative Universes 8.3 Logical Possibility 8.4 Painless Modal Realism 8.5 A Spinozistic Cosmology Glossary Further

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