Travels among the Arab tribes. James Silk Buckingham

Travels among the Arab tribes

Год выпуска: 1825

Автор произведения: James Silk Buckingham


Жанр: Документальная литература

Издательство: Фонд РГБ


Краткое описание:

Полный вариант заголовка: «Travels among the Arab tribes inhabiting the countries east of Syria and Palestine, including a journey from Nazareth to the mountains beyond the Dead Sea, and from thence through the plains of the Hauran to Bozra, Damascus, Tripoly, Lebanon, Baalbeck, and by the valley of the Orontes to Seleucia, Antioch, and Aleppo : With an appendix containing a refutation of certain unfounded calumnies industriously circulated against the author of this work, by Mr. Lewis Burckhardt, Mr. William John Bankes, and the Quarterly review».