Suspect Lover. Stephanie Doyle

Suspect Lover

Год выпуска: 0

Автор произведения: Stephanie Doyle


Жанр: Зарубежные детективы

Издательство: HarperCollins


Краткое описание:

Eager to start a family, Caroline Sommerville marries Dominic Santos in a whirlwind courtship. Then the unthinkable happens: her husband becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his business partner. With Dominic on the run from the police, Caroline is his last hope. Though she's only known him a short time, she's certain he was framed. But there's so much about him she doesn't know.And when a damning secret in Dominic's past surfaces, Caroline has to decide whether she believes in the man she married. Is he the murderer he's accused of being? Or is he the husband who needs her trust…and love?