Travels Into Our Past: America's Living History Museums & Historical Sites. Wayne P. Anderson

Travels Into Our Past: America's Living History Museums & Historical Sites

Год выпуска: 0

Автор произведения: Wayne P. Anderson


Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях

Издательство: Ingram

isbn: 9781942168379

Краткое описание:

ANOTHER VENTURE BOUND BOOK!<br><br>Whether you are seeking a new travel adventure, enjoy immersing yourself in history with a light touch, or are just looking for a good tale, the Andersons&#39; first volume of Travels Into Our Past: America&#39;s Living History Museums & Historical Sites will be a satisfying reading experience. <br><br>When you delve into the pages of this book, you&#39;ll find yourself on an investigation of your ancestors&#39; legacy on the different farms at Old World Wisconsin, each originally settled by a Norwegian, Dane, German, Pole, Finn, and a rich Yankee. Discover the Arabia Steamboat Museum near Kansas City and learn the unusual story of the ship which sank in the Missouri River in 1856. <br><br>Because of one of the many course changes of the &quot;Big Muddy,&quot; the Arabia was later found buried deep in a farmer&#39;s field and was excavated with its cargo, a virtual &quot;floating Wal-Mart.&quot; In Fort Smith, Arkansas, you&#39;ll read of a fire that became known as &quot;the night of the lingerie parade.&quot; <br><br>Living history museums are an engaging and interactive way to learn about various facets of our vast country&#39;s relatively short history through demonstrations, preserved structures and re-enacted events. The Andersons share over fifty of their memorable experiences at these story-telling historical sites.