Once Upon a Fact. Группа авторов

Once Upon a Fact

Год выпуска: 0

Автор произведения: Группа авторов


Жанр: Сказки

Издательство: Ingram

isbn: 9781479417780

Краткое описание:

"Once upon a time" is a magical phrase; an incantation that conjures stories into being and gives them life. What we now call «fairy tales» outlived their original creators, outlasted their descendants, and one day might very well survive the death of our species. When, and if, humanity leaves this planet, fairy tales will make the journey too – into the far-flung reaches of the galaxy and into the distant dimension of the future. <P> How different will the fairy tales of the future be from the stories told around hearth fires a thousand years ago? I suspect they will be utterly different and yet completely familiar. <P> – from Katherine Tomlinson's introduction<P> The Seed Stitch Solution, by Ginn Hale<BR> How to Marry Off Your Human, by Shauna Roberts<BR> Whitey and Red: The Hunt for Ursa, by Bonnie Hearn Hill<BR> The Plague of Hamelin, by Clare Toohey<BR> The Bear, the Hare, and the Spider, by R.C. Barnes<BR> The Pretty Duckling, by Unni Turrettini<BR> The Artifact on Svijet Five, by Kat Parrish<BR> Ella and the Ball, by Kaye George<BR> The Gift of the Crystals, by Cate Parker<BR> The Girl with the Cybernetic Hands, by John Donald Carlucci<BR> Chosen One, by Maki Morris<BR> Mermaid in Manhattan, by Melanie Kinder<BR> The Empress’s New App, by Stacy Renee Lucas<BR> Alice Through the SnapFace Filter, by Megan McCord<BR> Los ahogados (The Drowned), by Kathleen Alcalá<BR> Bluebeard, by Kitamu Latham-Sampier<BR> The Frog Prince, by Stephanie Vega-Gonzalez<BR> Beast, by Christine Pope