How to Construct Your Intellectual Pedigree. Elof Axel Carlson

How to Construct Your Intellectual Pedigree

Год выпуска: 0

Автор произведения: Elof Axel Carlson


Жанр: История

Издательство: Ingram

isbn: 9789811215841

Краткое описание:

This is a handbook that shows the reader how to construct an intellectual pedigree. It is also a history of science monograph because the completed intellectual pedigrees can be used individually or collectively to trace the influences of mentoring in the life sciences. The author uses Hermann Joseph Muller (1890&#x2013;1967) (which includes his own intellectual pedigree) to show how knowledge was shifted from Italy to Germany and England, to France, and then to the American Colonies. Through Muller, the author goes in two directions, one leading to Huxley, Darwin, and Newton. The second leads to Agassiz, Malpighi, Borelli, and Galileo. The author also shows, from comparing 60 additional intellectual pedigrees, that about one third go to Newton, one third to Galileo and the rest to other icons of the past (e.g., Linnaeus, Lavoisier, Gay-Loussac, Leibniz). It shows how small was the pool of available scientists in the universities before the mid-19th century.This book will stimulate graduate students and faculty to construct their own intellectual pedigrees. It will also be of interest to historians and philosophers of science. The book discusses the role of mentoring, dividing this into inputs of intellectual development as well as outputs of development, using timelines arranged as circles. For each mentor, a brief account is given of that person's work and relation to the subject of the pedigree.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Preface</li><li>What are Intellectual Pedigrees?</li><li>The Origin of Academic Pedigrees</li><li>How to Prepare Your Academic Pedigree</li><li>First Mentoring Influence on Elof Carlson &#x2014; Morris Gabriel Cohen</li><li>Second Mentoring Influence on Elof Carlson: Hermann Joseph Muller</li><li>Muller's Intellectual Pedigree Through Morgan</li><li>Muller's Mentor Lineage to Morgan Via H Newell Martin</li><li>Muller's Lineage from Morgan's Second Mentor, William Keith Brooks</li><li>My Connection to Muller's Academic Pedigree</li><li>My Academic Descendants</li><li>Representing Inputs to My Academic Life</li><li>List of Inputs into My Life</li><li>Assessing Inputs into My Life</li><li>Assessing Outputs in My Life</li><li>Inputs into Muller's Life</li><li>Comments for Muller's Outputs</li><li>Evaluating the Outputs of Scientific Careers</li><li>Reflections on Constructing Intellectual Pedigrees</li><li><b><i>Appendices:</i></b><ul><li>Using Non-illustrated Vertical Intellectual Pedigrees</li><li>Reference Intellectual Pedigree for Hermann Joseph Muller</li><li>Intellectual Pedigrees</li></ul></li><li>Pedigree of Charlotte Auerbach</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Oswald Avery</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree of William Bateson</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of George Beadle</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree of Seymour Benzer</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Elizabeth Blackburn</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree of Albert Blakeslee</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Theodor Boveri</li><li>Comments on Intellectual Pedigree of Norman Borlaug</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree of Sydney Brenner</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree of Elof Carlson</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree of William Castle</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Luigi Cavalli-Sforza</li><li>Legend for Ralph Cleland Intellectual Pedigree</li><li>Legend for Carl Correns Intellectual Pedigree</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree of F A E Crew</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Francis Crick</li><li>Legend for James Crow Pedigree</li><li>Legend for Charles Davenport Pedigree</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Max Delbr&#x00FC;ck</li><li>Legend for Hugo de Vries</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Theodosius Dobzhansky</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree of Hans Driesch</li><li>Legend for Edward Murray East</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree for Ronald A Fisher</li><li>Legend for Rosalind Franklin Pedigree</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Francis Galton</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Archibald Garrod</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Karl Gegenbaur</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Asa Gray</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Ernst Haeckel</li><li>Legend for J B S Haldane Intellectual Pedigree</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree for Alfred Hershey</li><li>Legend for Fran&#x00E7;ois Jacob Pedigree</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Wilhelm Johannsen</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Motoo Kimura</li><li>Legend for Joshua Lederberg Pedigree</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of E B Lewis</li><li>Legend for Academic Pedigree of Salvador Luria</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree of Edward Laurens Mark</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree for Barbara McClintock</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree of Victor McKusick</li><li>Legend for Gregor Mendel Pedigree</li><li>Legend for Jacques Monod Pedigree</li><li>Legend for Thomas Hunt Morgan</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Christiane N&#x00FC;sslein-Volhard</li><li>Legend for T S Painter Pedigree</li><li>Intellectual Pedigree of Linus Pauling</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree of Lionel Penrose</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree of Richard Roberts</li><li>Legend for Erwin Schr&#x00F6;dinger</li><li>Commentary on Tracy Sonneborn Pedigree</li><li>Legend for Lewis J Stadler Pedigree</li><li>Legend for M S Swaminathan Pedigree</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of C C Tan</li><li>Legend for Pedigree of Nikolai Vavilov</li><li>Legend for Academic Pedigree of Conrad Waddington</li><li>Legend for J D Watson Pedigree</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree of August Weismann</li><li>Legend for Intellectual Pedigree of Jan Witkowski</li><li>Legend for Sewall Wright Pedigree</li><li>Afterword</li><li>References and Recommended Reading</li><li>Sources of Illustrations</li><li>About the Author</li><li>Index</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Graduate students, college teachers and research scientists interested in preparing their own scientific pedigrees.Intellectual Pedigrees;Mentoring;Science History;Scholarly Research;Science Education;History of Universities;Graduate Education;Medieval University;Scientific Academies;Liberal Arts Education;University Degrees;Research Institutions;PhD Degree;History of Genetics;Academic Pedigrees00