A Companion to Modern and Contemporary Latin American and Latina/o Art. Группа авторов

A Companion to Modern and Contemporary Latin American and Latina/o Art - Группа авторов

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R. (1995). The Gender of Modernity. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

      10 Gabara, E. (2008). Errant Modernism: The Ethos of Photography in Mexico and Brazil, 1920–1940. Durham: Duke University Press.

      11 Hanssen, B. (1999). Portrait of melancholy (Benjamin, Warburg, Panofsky). Modern Language Notes 114 (5): 991–1013.

      12 Hemment, J.C. (1898). Cannon and Camera: Sea and Land Battles of the Spanish–American War in Cuba Camp Life, and the Return of the Soldiers. New York: D. Appleton and Co.

      13 Huyssen, A. (1986). After the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, Modernism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

      14 Kracauer, S. (1993 [1927]). Photography (trans. T. Y. Levin). Critical Inquiry 19 (3): 421–434.

      15 Lowe, S.M. (2004). Tina Modotti & Edward Weston: The Mexico Years. London: Merrell.

      16 Novo, S. (1931). El arte de la fotografía. Contemporáneos 9: 165–172.

      17 de Olivares, J. (1899). Our Islands and Their People: Volumes 1–2. St. Louis, New York, Chicago, Atlanta: N.D. Thompson Publishing Co.

      18 Park, S.M. (2012). Academic discourse at Havana: Pan American eugenics and transnational capital in Alejo Carpentier's ¡Écue‐Yamba‐Ó! MFS Modern Fiction Studies 58 (1): 46–78.

      19 Rancière, J. (2004). The Politics of Aesthetics: The Distribution of the Sensible (trans. Gabriel Rockhill). London; New York: Continuum.

      20 Schmucler, H. (1978). La fotografía y los medios masivos de información en América Latina. In: Hecho en Latinoamerica: Memorias del Primer Coloquio Latinoamericano del Fotografía (ed. P. Meyer), 51–54. Mexico, D.F.: Consejo Mexicano de Fotografía, A.C.

      21 Schwarz, H. (2007). Martín Chambi: Corresponsal gráfico (1918–1929). In: Martín Chambi (ed. A.B. Echenique), 31–44. Madrid: Fundación Telefónica y La Fábrica.

      22 Sekula, A. (1986). The body and the archive. October 39: 3–64.

      23 Weissberg, L. (1997). Circulating images: Notes on the photographic exchange. In: Writing the Image After Roland Barthes (ed. J.‐M. Rabaté), 109–131. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

      1 Antelo, R. (1984). Literatura em revista. São Paulo: Editorial Atica.

      2 Becerra Gonzalez, M. (1933). La mujer, la moda y el diseñador. Imagen 1 (2): n.p.

      3 Billeter, E. (1998). A Song to Reality: Latin American Photography, 1860–1993. Barcelona; New York: Lunwerg. Available through D.A.P.

      4 Debroise, O. (1994). Fuga mexicana. Un recorrido por la fotografía en México. Mexico City: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes. Available in English as Mexican Suite: A History of Photography in Mexico. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001.

      5 Eder, R. (1988). El concepto de modernidad en el arte de América Latina. In: X Coloquio Internacional de Historia de Arte. Simpatías y diferencias: relaciones del arte mexicano con el de América Latina, 319–335. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

      6 George, W. (1933). Fotografía, magia moderna. Imagen 1 (2): n.p.

      7 Hooks, M. (1993). Tina Modotti: Photographer and Revolutionary. London: Pandora/HarperCollins.

      Part II


      The Cold War and Internationalism

      Lowery Stokes Sims


      * *

      Specific to this story, a group of surrealist artists fled Vichy France on a boat, the Capitaine Paul Lemerle, which docked in Martinique in 1941 for several weeks before the passengers dispersed to various locations including the United States, Mexico, and Cuba. During this detention in Fort‐de‐France by a regime that was in allegiance with the Vichy Regime in France, Breton and Lam came into contact with the Martiniquan poet and patriot Aimé Césaire, his wife Suzanne, and René Ménil. Inspired by the surrealist publications of the 1940s and 1950s (Césaire had spent many years in France in the interwar period), the Césaires and Ménil had just begun to publish the review Tropiques, a journal of cultural polemics (see Rosemont 1978, pp. 83–84, 95–96, 230–236) in which pages they embarked on a project to define an Antillean identity as a mode of cultural liberation. Lam's friend and recently appointed French envoy to Haiti, Pierre Mabille, would publish the first extensive article on Lam's work in Tropiques in 1944 (Mabille 1945).

      Despite his European experiences in Spain and France, Lam had to establish himself in the firmly entrenched and established contemporary Cuban artistic hierarchy. As a result, he would not have a solo exhibition in Cuba until April 1946, a full five years after his return from Europe. In the meanwhile, through the good graces of Katy Perls, the mother of legendary dealer Klaus Perls, Lam had already had an exhibition of his work at the Perls Gallery in New York in 1939. Then, through the intervention of André Breton, who had gone on to New York City from Martinique, Lam established a relationship with the Pierre Matisse Gallery, where he exhibited several times during the 1940s.

      What is interesting is that during the mid‐1940s Lam's work was seen and written

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