Pump Wisdom. Robert X. Perez
Addressing Pump “Bad Actors” References
22 17 Repair, Replace, or Modify? Repair or Replace? Repair and Spare Part Philosophies Making the Business Case for Centrifugal Pump Upgrades Payback Time Examples Centrifugal Pump Hydraulic Rerates Rerate Case Study Replacing Existing Pump with an Entirely Different Model Pump References
23 18 Centrifugal Pump Monitoring Strategies Pump Monitoring Recommendations Based on Criticality How to Use This Matrix A Survey of Vibration Sensors Wireless Sensors Wired Sensors with Dynamic Outputs Wired Loop‐Powered Vibration Transmitters with 4–20 mA Outputs Evaluating Sensor Information Vibration Monitoring Analysis Requirements More on Sensor Technology References
25 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Nine prominent causes of flange leakage, listed alphabetically.Table 4.2 Defect causes and remedies.Table 4.3 Cause and effect tabulation.
2 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Supplementary designations (suffixes) for SKF double‐row angular c...
3 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Pump affinity laws.
4 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Recommended radial gaps for process pumps.Table 11.2 Physical properties of carbon graphite and graphite material gra...
5 Chapter 13Table 13.1 Allowable field‐installed vibration values for pumps.Table 13.2 Sources of specific vibration excitations.Table 13.3 Maximum diametral hub looseness.
6 Chapter 16Table 16.1 Pump mean‐times‐between‐failures [1].Table 16.2 Suggested refinery seal target MTBFs [1].Table 16.3 Component life targets [1].Table 16.4 How selective component upgrading influences MTBF.Table 16.5 A hypothetical table of pump failures across a processing facili...Table 16.6 A forced ranking of pump failures in the Cat Cracking unit.Table 16.7 Roles and responsibilities matrix for bad actor team.
7 Chapter 17Table 17.1 Likelihood project will be approved, based on the payback period...Table 17.2 Combined failure of history of both pumps.Table 17.3 Performance comparison of the original and rerated pumps.Table 17.4 Pump replacement economics.
8 Chapter 18Table 18.1 Pump monitoring strategies.Table 18.2 Pump monitoring recommendations based on criticality.Table 18.3 Pump monitoring recommendations based on criticality.Table 18.4 Some examples of how spectral alarm bands can be used to detect ...Table 18.5 General spectral analysis guidelines for pump and motor assembli...
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Principal components of an elementary process pump.Figure 1.2 Typical process pump with suction flow entering horizontally and ...Figure 1.3 A semiopen impeller with five vanes. As shown, the impeller is co...Figure 1.4 Typical “H–Q” performance curves are sloped as shown here. The be...Figure 1.5 General flow classifications of process pump impellers.Figure 1.6 Pump specific speed nomogram allowing quick estimations. Shown in...Figure 1.7 Double‐flow impellers are used for higher flows and relatively eq...Figure 1.8 A multistage centrifugal process pump.Figure 1.9 Direction and magnitude of fluid forces change at different flows...Figure 1.10 Where and why impeller vanes get damaged.Figure 1.11 Pump manufacturers usually plot only the NPSHr trend associated ...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 A typical bearing housing with several potentially costly vulnera...Figure 2.2 The suction and discharge nozzles on this centerline‐mounted API‐...Figure 2.3 Custom‐built vertical pipeline pump with drive motor removed.Figure 2.4 HPI process scheme and API pumps offered for the various services...Figure 2.5 Canned Motor Pumps can be superior alternatives to conventional c...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 ANSI pump set on a stilt‐mounted baseplate.Figure 3.2 Vertical in‐line pumps are not to be bolted to the foundation. Th...Figure 3.3 A typical, but obviously flawed, “conventional” pump foundation....Figure 3.4 Removable alignment jacking tabs shown inserted in three of four ...Figure 3.5 Foundation anchor bolts and sleeves encased in pump foundation....Figure 3.6 Steel baseplate with anchor bolt shown on left and leveling screw...Figure 3.7 Underside of a baseplate after a prime coat has been applied.