Materials for Biomedical Engineering. Mohamed N. Rahaman
Depiction of process by which complement proteins interact with ...Figure 19.10 Representation of type IV hypersensitivity response to local re...Figure 19.11 Response in diabetic mice to an immunomodulatory biomaterial de...
20 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 Tower‐like architecture of a mature biofilm as seen in (a) scann...Figure 20.2 Sequence of biofilm formation on an implant surface precondition...Figure 20.3 Scanning electron microscope image of fimbriae appendages of the...Figure 20.4 Fluorescence microscope image of polymicrobic biofilm grown on a...Figure 20.5 Scanning electron micrograph of complete blockage of urethral ca...Figure 20.6 Scanning electron microscope image of polymicrobic biofilm on an...Figure 20.7 Laser scanning confocal microscope image of P. aeruginosa biofil...Figure 20.8 Macroscopic photo image of a Candida fungal biofilm on a prosthe...Figure 20.9 (a) Radiographic image prior to revision surgery for MRSA‐infect...Figure 20.10 (a) Comparison of in vivo formation of Staphylococcus aureus bi...Figure 20.11 Representative confocal microscopy images of biofilms of S. aur...Figure 20.12 Antibiofilm effect of cell wall polysaccharide (serotype K2) of...Figure 20.13 Depiction of bacteriophage therapy for degradation and removal ...Figure 20.14 Analysis of deformable prototype urinary catheter for controlle...
21 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 Number of rat calvarial osteoblasts and human gingival fibroblas...Figure 21.2 (a) SEM images of different positions (sand blasted, 1, 4, and 9...Figure 21.3 Microcomputed tomography scans of machined (a–c) and grit‐blaste...Figure 21.4 (a) Electron microscope images at different magnification showin...Figure 21.5 (a) SEM images of polystyrene (PS) cover strips of various surfa...Figure 21.6 Effects of microgroove patterning on phenotype expression of bon...Figure 21.7 (a) Schematic illustration of the creation of patterned PLGA ner...Figure 21.8 Scanning electron microscope images of (a) spinner shark skin an...Figure 21.9 SEM images of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) on polydimethyls...Figure 21.10 Atomic force microscope images of polyurethane specimens with a...Figure 21.11 (a) Illustration of rotating disc system used for testing of ba...Figure 21.12 SEM images of S. aureus adherence to the surface of (a) titaniu...Figure 21.13 Colony forming unit (CFU) of S. aureus on the surface of stainl...Figure 21.14 SEM images of the surface of as‐fabricated Si3N4 specimens impl...Figure 21.15 (a) Schematic illustration of the cross section of a bacterial ...Figure 21.16 Topographical characteristics of the cicada (Tibicen ssp.) wing...Figure 21.17 Bactericidal effect of cicada wing surface on Pseudomonas aerug...Figure 21.18 Predictions for the degree of membrane stretching as a function...Figure 21.19 Bactericidal effect of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) films on ...Figure 21.20 SEM images for E. coli after incubation for one hour on black s...Figure 21.21 Mechanisms of microparticle and nanoparticle endocytosis.Figure 21.22 Overall phagocytosis uptake (combination of attachment and inte...Figure 21.23 Model of particle‐ruffled membrane interaction to account for t...Figure 21.24 SEM images of polystyrene (PS) particles having the shape of sp...Figure 21.25 Comparison of attachment and internalization of particles of va...Figure 21.26 Potential interactions that can occur between internalized part...Figure 21.27 Sequence of events following release of wear particles from a h...Figure 21.28 (a) Dependence of cellular uptake of spherical gold nanoparticl...Figure 21.29 Model predictions for the endocytosis of nanoparticles by a lig...Figure 21.30 Effect of particle shape on the endocytosis of transferrin‐coat...Figure 21.31 (a) TEM images of cetyltrimethyl‐ammonium bromide (CTAB)‐coated...Figure 21.32 Gold nanoparticles with ordered arrangements of hydrophilic and...Figure 21.33 Effect of functionalization of gold nanoparticles (diameter ~2 ...Figure 21.34 Intracellular targets for cytotoxicity of nanoparticles. Nanopa...
22 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 Direct contact assay of sub‐confluent MC3T3‐E1 cells after incub...Figure 22.2 (a) MTT assay of proliferation of MLO‐A5 osteoblasts seeded on 1...Figure 22.3 Live/dead staining of pig periosteal osteoblasts after three day...Figure 22.4 Ames test for mutagenicity. Test chemical suspected of carcinoge...Figure 22.5 Mouse lymphoma assay performed with the mouse lymphoma cell line...Figure 22.6 Detection of genotoxicity by visualization of sister chromatid e...Figure 22.7 Enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) such as for detection ...Figure 22.8 SEM visualization of activated platelets with dendritic extensio...Figure 22.9 Histological analysis of tissue response to subcutaneous implant...Figure 22.10 Histological analysis of intramuscular response to implantation...Figure 22.11 Histological analysis of response to graft conduit fabricated f...
23 Chapter 23Figure 23.1 (a) Examples of internal fracture fixation plates for stabilizin...Figure 23.2 Four stages of bone fracture healing: (a) hematoma formation, (b...Figure 23.3 Process of endochondral bone formation that occurs in fetal deve...Figure 23.4 Illustration of (a) cell‐based and (b) growth factor‐based appro...Figure 23.5 Illustration of common bone defect sites in small animals. (a) B...Figure 23.6 Optical images of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained images of ...Figure 23.7 (a) Average percentage of bone and bone marrow in stained sectio...Figure 23.8 (a) Micro‐CT images of rat calvarial defects implanted with poro...Figure 23.9 Transmitted light images of H&E stained sections of rat calvaria...Figure 23.10 Transmitted light images of H&E stained sections of mouse calva...Figure 23.11 Quantitation of bone formation from H&E stained sections of mou...Figure 23.12 (a) Percentage of bone, as a fraction of the total tissue withi...Figure 23.13 Optical images of H&E stained sections of MSC‐containing BCP im...Figure 23.14 Repair of nonunion rat femoral defects with implants composed o...Figure 23.15 Micro‐CT images showing external view and cross‐section of segm...Figure 23.16 (a): X‐ray radiographs of rabbit femoral segmental defects fill...Figure 23.17 (a) Percent new bone (as a fraction of the total defect area) a...Figure 23.18 Illustration of the placement of prosthetic implants in (a) tot...Figure 23.19 (a) View of four stations of an eight‐station hip joint simulat...Figure 23.20 Range of wear rates (mm3 per million cycles) measured in hip si...Figure 23.21 Illustration of stabilization of the human spine using implants...Figure 23.22 Examples of spinal fusion cages composed of biomaterials: (a) p...Figure 23.23 Dental implants of various designs and with different surface m...Figure 23.24 Chemical structure of Bis‐GMA (bisphenol A‐glycidyl methacrylat...Figure 23.25 Dental bridge reflected on a mirror to show the interior. The b...Figure 23.26 Lithium disilicate dental restoration fabricated using computer...
24 Chapter 24Figure 24.1 Time for 50% reduction in tensile strength and for complete degr...Figure 24.2 Image showing the major anatomical components of the human heart...Figure 24.3 (a) Compliance (given as percentage change in diameter per mm Hg...Figure 24.4 Examples of compounds that generate nitric oxide (NO). (a) Gener...Figure 24.5 Release of NO from polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogels containin...Figure 24.6 Inhibition of smooth muscle cell growth in vitro by polyethylene...Figure 24.7 Illustration of balloon angioplasty.Figure 24.8 Illustration of insertion of a stent using an inflatable balloon...Figure 24.9 Illustration of the structure of a drug‐eluting stent.Figure 24.10 (a) Main designs of mechanical heart valves; (b) bioprosthetic ...Figure 24.11 Schematic representation of the cross section of the human eye....Figure 24.12 Examples of intraocular lens (IOL) designs: (a) rigid one‐piece...Figure 24.13 Reaction scheme for the covalent bonding of polyethylene glycol...Figure 24.14 Stages of wound healing: (a) hemostasis, (b) inflammation, (c) ...Figure 24.15 Reaction scheme for incorporating ethylamine into dextran. DBTD...Figure 24.16 Modified dextran hydrogel as a treatment for burn wounds. (a) I...Figure 24.17 (a) Optical image of fibrous bioactive glass dressing for heali...Figure 24.18 Healing of two‐month old nonhealing wound (~5 cm in diameter an...Figure 24.19 Healing of full‐thickness skin wounds (2 cm in diameter) in a r...Figure 24.20 Improvement of wound healing in diabetic healing‐impaired mice ...Figure 24.21 (a) Optical micrographs, and (b), (c) hematoxylin and eosin (H&...Figure 24.22 Reaction scheme for the preparation of gold nanoparticles funct...Figure 24.23 Topical application of GM3S (ganglioside‐monosialic acid 3 synt...Figure 24.24 Syndecan‐4 proteoliposomes enhance wound healing in diabetic mi...Figure 24.25 Schematic representation of the delivery of sandecan‐4 proteoli...
25 Chapter 25Figure 25.1 Three main approaches to regenerative medicine: tissue engineeri...Figure 25.2 Main components of the tissue engineering approach: biomaterials...Figure 25.3 Illustration of in vivo (or in situ) tissue engineering approach...Figure 25.4 Illustration of the stages of human embryo development up to the...Figure 25.5 Schematic diagram showing trends in the strength of a tissue con...Figure 25.6 SEM image of fibrous collagen network of ECM scaffold derived fr...Figure 25.7 Schematic showing