The Soviet Passport. Albert Baiburin
1 Cover
6 Foreword ‘Remove the document – and you remove the man’ Notes
7 Preface
8 Introduction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Notes
9 Part I The History of the Soviet Passport System 1 The Formation of ‘the Passport Portrait’ in Russia Notes 2 Fifteen Passport-less Years Notes 3 The Introduction of the Passport System in the USSR (1932–1936) General Situation The Official Version of the Introduction of Passports Organizational Work Issuing Passports ‘Legal Excesses’ The Second Phase of the Introduction of Passports The Consequences of the Introduction of Passports Notes 4 Passport Regimes and Passport Reforms Passport Regimes The Hundred-and-First Kilometre The Propiska Registering ‘Natural Population Changes’ Maintaining the Passport Regime 1940 and 1953 Statutes on Passports and Instructions for Passport Work in Reform Projects of the 1960s The 1974 Statute From the Soviet to the Russian Passport System Notes
10 Part II The Passport as a Bureaucratic Device 5 The Passport Template and the Individual’s Basic Information The Passport Template ‘Surname, Name, Patronymic’ ‘Place and Date of Birth’ ‘Ethnic Origin’ ‘The Personal Signature’ ‘Social Status’ ‘Liability for Military Service’ Notes 6 The Observations and Properties of the Passport ‘Who Issued the Passport’ ‘On the Basis of Which Documents is the Passport Issued’ ‘People Listed in the Holder’s Passport’ The Photograph Special Observations Observations about the Propiska Notes
Part III What the Passport was in Practice: The Evidence in Documents and Memoirs
7 Receiving a Passport
The Right to a Passport
Defining Ethnicity
Taking the Passport Photograph
How Do I Sign?
The Passport Desk and the Pasportistka
Receiving the Passport
8 Life With – and Without – the Passport
Look After It; Should You Carry It With You?
The Document Check
Changing One’s Name
A ‘Clean’ Passport
Marriages of Convenience
Lost! What it Meant to be Without Your Passport
Refusing to Have a Passport