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didn’t live a memorable life, but it was full and happy. I laughed a lot, I was madly in love, I shared wonderful moments with my family and friends. I took the boat too early to come back, I would have continued to drift over and over again ... but that's life. There’s a beginning, a middle and an end. The most important thing is what we decide to do with the time given to us. Just because we go through events that are more difficult than others doesn’t mean that we will reach the sky and beyond. It's just because we didn't understand what we learned the first time around... That's being hard-headed! We keep on being miserable... I bless all my moments there with love, because I lived them with my heart. When your heart is bound, there’s little or almost no chance of going wrong. And if it doesn't work out, it will make us even stronger for the best to come. Take care of my daughter and son. I'm upstairs with our little white dog, Cookie, who is running around. Happy and playful. I love you very much, and I’ll wait for your daddy when he stops fighting instead of accepting.

      ImageI have only one message for people who are going to read this. Live your life. Don't let the minutes pass by without accepting and enjoying every second. I’m a man who lived his life his own way, in the spotlight. I felt like I missed out on time with the people I loved most in the world. Life is a show. You have to be the star, not the spectator. Imagine being in front of your screen and watching the images scroll by without having fully enjoyed them! You know, my life was rich in encounters and learning. I would have had more, but I’ll wait for the next train to continue life’s training. I want my wife to know that our love was the truest thing in my life. That through snakes, yes, snakes, we discover our greatest fear, and our fondest memory and giggles through the cuddly toy that has become a running gag. Hug the people who are engraved in your heart. Love without fear of being hurt because regret is the most painful wound. Till the next show in life.

      ImageMy beautiful love, you were the story of my life, its center. We’ll meet again one day, and I’m in no rush to see you again. Our relationship as a couple surprised many people, but the fact that it lasted was even more surprising. Thank you for being present in my life: your voice, your soul, and your heart were wonderful and part of me. I was always a visionary. Your talent and persistence were an extraordinary driving force for me and allowed me to bet on the best game. You’re beautiful. You’re wonderful, you strayed a bit, but quickly found your way back. The children will remain on the right track so long as you allow them. They are just as wonderful as you are. You just need to show them an example of whom you are. Love never dies, and I live on in you, in your heart and through butterflies and tokens. I’m sending you some signs so that you never forget where you came from and where you are going to. Take care and, above all, don't forget that you’re more important than your career. I love you more than anything. I really love you. IOU.

      ImageMy name is Michael. I'm not the Archangel, but a pretty rowdy little boy in my days. I’ll always have a child’s soul, even when I get old. My soul is that of a child who sees with the eyes of his heart. I have simplicity and spontaneity that come with being a child. I’ve always seen a glass as half full. A glass with funny drawings. You should consider life as a big playground. You should have fun, laugh and burst with joy because of life’s simplicity. It’s that simple, but few people do so. I don't want to give lessons, but life is often seen as a big puzzle with lots of missing pieces! I’m here just to give you my own perspective. By human standards, I left my earthly body too early. My time on earth was brief, but filled with love, play and laughter. Despite the pain of the ordeal my parents had chosen, they made my few years a great game and beautiful adventure. And for that, I love them very much. They taught me love and play. I taught them resilience and purity of choices made with the heart. My thanks to all parents who love their children and let them live their childhood despite their illness.

      ImageDon't mourn my departure, but celebrate my life. I’m not unhappy where I am, but simply trying to discover a new place that we all end up finding. I had a life that many would consider boring because I hardly traveled and barely loved people enough to experience true passion, but it suited me. It allowed me to experience wisdom, jealousy, shame, and one-sided love. These experiences helped me to evolve and move forward at my own pace. A lifetime is short when we have eternity to practice being. I returned home with an even more open my heart. Love is not just a feeling; it’s also the key that opens all doors. Loving is a facet of life that lives on long after our existence on earth. That life was a passage and I’ll have many more passages because I still have a lot to learn. That’s the way it is. I want to tell each of you not to dramatize but accept what comes up because you’ll understand much more by welcoming it than by pushing it away and fighting against it.

      ImageMy daughter, the fear of dying bothers you. It confronts you. You who wanted so much to put an end to it; now that you no longer have the option of living or dying, you’re making the choice to live. It’s when you lose something that you realize its value and importance. Don't take it as a defeat, but as a life experience that you’ll carry with you when you depart for home. Being positive will not change your destiny, but it will help you to cope better with the situation. You’re a strong person who gave in to dark thoughts a few times, but you got up and I’m proud of you even though I didn't tell you often enough. I wasn’t very good in encouraging and pushing children to excel themselves, but I loved you. I loved you, my beautiful big girl. You’ll come back home as it is written, and I’ll think of you and send you resources to spare you unnecessary pain and sorrow. I love you and I’ll be there waiting for you.

      ImageDear child, I departed very early. You were still a baby. We had little time together, but we had enough time for our two hearts to connect and vibrate together. My life was short, so short that I didn’t have the chance to also give life. You were a pure ray of sunshine and source of joy for me. Despite my early departure, I was still able to see and follow your progress in the world. I was a loving aunt. I remain a protective aunt. Wherever you are, I’m very close by. Sometimes you feel like you’re hearing me, and that’s true. I like to whisper in your ear. You’re a beautiful soul who unhesitatingly continues to rise. Continues to be without any conditions. You’re authentic, and that’s what people are looking for the most. Always choose with your heart. That's how you’ll be able to live your own way and without any hassle. Never hesitate when you already have a first response. You have all the keys within you to find THE WAY to your destiny. There will always be obstacles, but they will help you be.

      ImageMom, since I followed the light, I’m getting better and better. It was a tragic and painful departure for everyone I left behind. I’m fine. I now understand why my time was so short. My life was so short. You were shaken by my departure, but you held on and your faith only grew stronger, Mom. You chose the light and let go the shadow. Your heart is strong, with that unwavering force that keeps you standing against all odds. And even though your pain is unbearable, you have drawn from your heart the strength to fight and live knowing that I continue to live, but in a different way. That’s why I love you so much. Your strength of character allows you to see things in a positive light, and the sun in tears and darkness. Trust everything that brings out a vibration of love because it’s a sign that you’re on the right track. The voice from your heart can't be wrong. NEVER. Continue to believe in rainbows, birds and fairies that are very much alive, even if they are not as imagined in fairy tales. Keep smiling. I love you.

      ImageMy name is Marie. I barely lived a few minutes, then my soul returned home. Why? Because that was my mission. A mission that allowed my parents to grow in hardship. Grow and evolve. Not to destroy themselves, but to better understand the meaning of life through mourning for their child. They understood the importance

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