Communication and Economic Life. Liz Moor
Table of Contents
1 Cover
6 Introduction The economy and ‘economic life’ Communication, media and economic life Value plurality in economic life Structure of the book Notes
7 Part I: Economic action is communicative
8 1. Does homo economicus talk? Communication in economic theory Economic action is a form of communication Communication is information plus signalling Communication is the strategic use of information: game theory Recent developments: a new role for communication? Conclusion Notes
9 2. The symbolism of money, payment and price Money’s symbolic qualities Psychoanalysis and money symbolism The symbolic function of payments The meaning of price Changing meanings of money, payment and price Conclusion Notes
10 Part II: Communication constructs economic life
11 3. Promotion The rhetoric of the economic system The world of work: promotion and self-promotion Consumption and delinguistified communication Conclusion Notes
12 4. Information New volumes of information New forms of exchange and new economic models Software, algorithms and proprietary data Marketing discrimination Price personalization Conclusion
13 5. Narrative Narratives, stories and why they matter Literary fiction and the repudiation of the market Filmic and televisual narratives about money The fact/fiction continuum in economic writing The economy as a narrated phenomenon The challenge to narrative Conclusion Notes
14 6. Discussion Mediated discussion about economic life Audience discussion shows Online discussion Everyday discussion of economic issues Conclusion Notes
15 Conclusion Reframing communication in economic life What should economic communication be like? Notes
16 References
17 Index
1 Cover
2 Table of Contents