Американские историки. Учебное пособие. Иван Цветков

Американские историки. Учебное пособие - Иван Цветков

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      Warren M. O. History of the rise, progress, and termination of the American Revolution. 3 Vols. Boston, 1805.


      Bancroft G. History of the United States of America, from the discovery of the continent. 10 Vols. Boston, 1876.


      Parkman F. France and England in North America. A series of historical narratives. Boston, 1891.


      Beard C. A. An economic interpretation of the Constitution of the United States. New York, 1913.


      Zinn H. A people's history of the United States. London; New York, 1980.


      White H. V. Metahistory: the historical imagination in nineteenth-century Europe. Baltimore, 1973.


      Saunt C. Telling Stories: The Political Uses of Myth and History in the Cherokee and Creek Nations // The Journal of American History. Dec. 2006. Volume 93, No. 3; Gordon L. Dorothea Lange: The Photographer as Agricultural Sociologist // Ibid.; Ratner-Rosenhagen J. Conventional Iconoclasm: The Cultural Work of the Nietzsche Image in Twentieth-Century America // Ibid.


      Oldmixon J. The British Empire in America. London, 1708.


      Наиболее известна его многократно переиздаваемая биография Дж. Вашингтона: Weems M. L. A history of the life and death, virtues and exploits of General George Washington. Philadelphia, 1800.


      Ramsay D. The history of the American revolution. 2 Vols. Philadelphia, 1789; Gordon W. The history of the rise, progress, and establishment, of the independence of the United States of America. 3 Vols. New-York, 1789.


      См. напр: Sparks J. The life of George Washington. Auburn [N. Y.], 1851.


      Douglass W. A summary, historical and political, of the first planting, progressive improvements, and present state of the British settlements in North-America. 2 Vols. Boston, 1752.


      McMaster J. B. A history of the people of the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War. New York, 1914.


      См.: Geertz C. The interpretation of cultures. New York, 1973.


      Osgood H. L. The American colonies in the seventeenth century. New York, London, 1904; Beer G. L. British colonial policy, 1754—1765. New York, 1907; Andrews C. M. The colonial period of American history. New Haven, London, 1934.


      Boorstin D. J. The Americans, the colonial experience. New York, 1958; Morgan E. S. The birth of the Republic, 1763—89. Chicago, 1956; Hartz L. The liberal tradition in America. New York, 1955.


      Bailyn B. The ideological origins of the American Revolution. Cambridge, 1967; Wood G. S. The creation of the American Republic, 1776—1787. Chapel Hill, 1969; Pocock J. G. A. The Machiavellian moment: Florentine political thought and the Atlantic republican tradition. Princeton, N. J., 1975.


      См., например: Jordan W. D. Familial politics: Thomas Paine and the killing of the king, 1776 // Journal of American History. 1973. Vol. 60, No 2. P. 294—308.


      «Becker C. L. The history of political parties in the province of New York, 1760—1776. Madison, Wis., 1909. P. 22.


      Jameson J. F. The American revolution considered as a social movement. Princeton, 1926.


      Lemisch J. Jack Tar in the streets: merchant seamen in the politics of revolutionary America // William and Mary Quarterly. 1968. Vol. 25, No 3. P. 371—407; Lynd S. Intellectual origins of American radicalism. New York, 1968.


      Fiske J. The critical period of American history. Boston and New York, 1888.


      Schlesinger A. M. The colonial merchants and the American revolution, 1763—1776. New York, 1918.


      Jensen M. The founding of a nation: a history of the American Revolution, 1763—1776. New York, 1968.


      Brown R. E. Charles Beard and the Constitution, a critical analysis of «An economic interpretation of the Constitution». Princeton, 1956.


      Wood G. S. Op. cit. P. 606.


      Phillips U. B. American negro slavery. New York, London, 1918.


      Stampp K. M. The peculiar institution: slavery in the ante-bellum South. New York, 1956; Elkins S. M. Slavery: a problem in American institutional and intellectual life. Chicago, 1959; Franklin J. H. From slavery to freedom: a history of American Negroes. New York, 1956.


      Morgan E. S. American slavery, American freedom: the ordeal of colonial Virginia. New York, 1975.


      Genovese E. D. Roll, Jordan, roll: the world the slaves made. New York, 1974.


      Woodward C. V. The strange career of Jim Crow. New York, 1955.


      Franklin J. H. Reconstruction: after the Civil War. Chicago, 1961.


      Jackson H. H. A century of dishonor. New York, 1881.

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