Research Methods in Language Teaching and Learning. Группа авторов
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List of Figures
Figure 7.1 Map of Safaliba towns
Figure 10.1 Extract from Sert (2017, p. 21)
Figure 10.2 Extract from Sert (2017, p. 19)
Figure 12.1 Item 16 as it appeared to the respondent
Figure 12.2 Item 28 as presented to the respondent
Figure 13.1 Checklist of the basic procedures of conducting a mixed methods study
Figure 14.1 Scatterplots
Figure 15.1 The first PLS-SEM algorithm
Figure 15.2 Outer loading relevance testing. From A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) (2nd.ed.), by J. F. Hair, G. T. M. Hult, C. M. Ringle, and M. Sarstedt, 2017, Washington, DC: Sage Publications. Copyright 2017 by SAGE Publications. Reprinted with permission
Figure 15.3 Measurement model after removing low outer loading indicators
Figure 15.4 Final structural path model
Appendix 15B AMT Criteria Set-up Screen
Appendix 15E Variables, Reliability and Validity
Figure 16.1 Research design submitted in the grant proposal
Figure 16.2 ELLA levels of intervention
Figure 16.3 Time commitment for intervention design
Figure 16.4 Longitudinal foundational findings from ELLA that aided in other major research grants (adapted from Irby et al., 2014)
Figure 18.1 EPPI-Reviewer Flow Diagram
List of Tables
Table 3.1 A sample analysis of qualitative data (from Uztosun, 2013)
Table 3.2 Sources of findings related to developing a theory
Table 3.3 Validity criteria for action research (Burns, 1999, pp. 161–162)
Appendix 6A A Sample of Chaoran’s Approach to Matching Themes Across Data
Table 8.1 Data material
Table 11.1 Research questions and gaps addressed in Candarli et al. (2015)
Table 11.2 Research questions and gaps addressed in Candarli (2020)
Table 11.3 Normalized frequencies of authorial presence markers per 500 words per essay
Table 11.4 Normalized frequencies of discourse organizers and stance expressions per 500 words
Table 12.1 Potential differences of relevance between urban and rural contexts in Indian education
Table 13.1 Three common sub-types of mixed methods design (based on Creswell, 2002)
Table 14.1 CAF measures as dependent variables
Table 15.1 Survey constructs
Table 15.2 Issues to consider
Appendix 15A Literature Review Table
Appendix 15C Advantages and Disadvantages of PLS-SEM
Appendix 15D Composite Reliability and Convergent Validity Assessment
Appendix 15F Results and Discussion Distinction
Table 18.1 Coding characteristics of included studies for our systematic review (Avgousti, 2018)
Appendix 18A Journals included in the searching process
Notes on Contributors
Nahed Abdelrahman serves as a Research Specialist I and the Lead Coordinator of Preparing Academic Leaders MED program in the Center for Research & Development in Dual Language & Literacy Acquisition at Texas A&M University. Her research interests include education policy, social justice and equity, educational leadership, principal preparation policies and implementation, mentoring and its impact on promoting education justice.
Jason Anderson is a teacher educator, educational consultant, award-winning author, and