Clinical Cases in Periodontics. Группа авторов

Clinical Cases in Periodontics - Группа авторов

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pattern grade C periodontitis from generalized grade C periodontitis.

Features Molar/incisor pattern grade C periodontitis Generalized grade C periodontitis
Age of onset Circumpubertal <30 years but may be older
Clinical manifestation Involves no more than two teeth other than incisors and first molars Involves at least three teeth other than incisors and first molars
Serum antibody response to infecting agents [13] Robust response Poor response


      F. Nonmotile Gram‐negative anaerobic rods such as A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis [21–24], and red and some orange complex species [25] are the most numerous and prevalent periodontal pathogens in molar/incisor pattern periodontitis and are present in most of the diseased sites compared to healthy sites. The microbiomes of molar/incisor pattern periodontitis may vary among different ethnic groups, but A. actinomycetemcomitans (especially serotype b) was found in higher numbers and frequency, at least in the early stage, when compared with other pathogens [21,26]. Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans produces a leukotoxin that affects the antibacterial function of neutrophils. The heightened antibody responses to A. actinomycetemcomitans may also be responsible for the localized periodontal destruction [27].

      The exact reason why the disease is localized to first molars and incisors with such early onset in young adults is still debatable. However, those young patients’ hormonal changes and the fact that the first molars and incisors are the first permanent teeth to erupt may alter the microbial environment in some unique way that causes the periodontal destruction [14].

      G. The general treatment methods should be similar to those used for periodontitis, including oral hygiene instruction/reinforcement, plaque control, scaling and root planing, and occlusal adjustment (if necessary).

      Additional treatments that may be required in certain patients include the following.

       General medical evaluation to determine the presence of any systemic diseases. Consultation with the physician may be indicated.

       Counseling of family members.

       Adjunctive use of amoxicillin combined with metronidazole [28]. Tetracycline is contraindicated in young patients due to the problem of tooth staining. Systemic administration of amoxicillin 500 mg plus metronidazole 250 mg three times daily for seven days with maintenance every three months resulted in significant clinical improvement and reduced levels of key periodontal pathogens in the long term [29].

       Periodontal maintenance with short interval may be needed.

Photos depict classical intrabony defect affecting a mandibular first molar in another patient with localized aggressive periodontitis (top left). Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) was performed to regenerate the periodontal defect using bone grating and membrane (top right). Periapical radiographs depict the vertical bony defect before (lower left) and after (lower right) GTR therapy.

      Most patients have a relatively good prognosis if kept in a maintenance protocol. It has been shown that 73% of patients undergoing supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) at least every six months would not need further retreatment in over 20 years [37]. Long‐term follow‐up case reports have also shown a low recurrence rate with SPT every three to six months for 30 years [38] or in the absence of consistent maintenance for 15 years [39]. However, 8–30% of patients may progress to a generalized pattern of disease [40,41]. Successful regenerative treatment outcomes have also been shown following GTR [30] or using EMD with xenografts [31,32,42].

      The success rate of tooth implants in patients with molar/incisor pattern periodontitis is not conclusive. Overall, molar/incisor pattern stage C periodontitis shows less progression and tooth loss than generalized stage C periodontitis. Considering the defect in host response in these patients, it is reasonable to expect lower survival rates of the teeth and implants in these patients, compared to grade A or B periodontitis patients. Clinicians should be aware that these patients are generally younger than those with grade A or B periodontitis. The implant prosthesis would need to remain esthetic and functional for a longer period of time in these patients. Consultation with other specialists to evaluate the alterative restorative options, such as orthodontic treatment, might also help to determine whether or not to extract.


      The patient had been referred by his general dentist for periodontal treatment. Although he had a long history of dental treatment, he had never been diagnosed with periodontal disease. At the time of his first visit he had no chief complaint. He did report occasional gingival bleeding during toothbrushing.


       To be able to identify the clinical features and overall characteristics of periodontitis

       To be able to list difficulties in the proper diagnosis of early presentations of periodontitis

       To understand possible aggressiveness patterns on the progression of periodontitis

       To know what

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