Сто дней во власти безумия. Руандийский геноцид 1994 г.. И. В. Кривушин

Сто дней во власти безумия. Руандийский геноцид 1994 г. - И. В. Кривушин

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party calls foreign minister «traitor» // Reuters News. 23 January 1993.


      Protesters again block main Rwanda roads // Reuters News. 19 January 1993.


      Rwandan authorities impose curfew in capital // Reuters News. 20 January 1993.


      Top negotiator at Rwanda peace talks replaced // Reuters News. 25 January 1993.


      Campagne J.-P. Regime stirring up unrest to torpedo talks // AFP. 27 January 1993.


      Rwandan peace talks resume, rebels demand end to massacre // AFP. 29 January 1993.


      The Twelve approach Rwanda over ethnic upheavals // Agence Europe. 30 January 1993.


      50 000 Protest Political, Ethnic Violence // A P. 31 January 1993.


      Des Forges A. Op. cit. P. 111.


      Nsengiyaremye Th. France to send troops to Rwanda, clashes rage on // Reuters News. 9 February 1993.


      Mseteka B. Ethnic massacres spark Rwanda clashes // Reuters News. 8 February 1993.


      French send more troops as tribal clashes continue // AFP. 9 February 1993.


      Goretti Uwibambe M. Hundred thousand flee fighting as rebels 30 km from capital // AFP. 10 February 1993.


      Rebels declare cease-fire; government says it controls Ruhengeri // BBC/ Africa. 12 February 1993.


      Bisanga H. Rwandan government and rebels agree to end fighting // AFP. 7 March 1993.


      Резолюция 812 (1993), принятая Советом Безопасности на его 3183-м заседании 12 марта 1993 года. С. 2.


      Nsengiyaremye Th. Guns fall silent for Rwanda peace talks // Reuters News. 15 March 1993.


      Bisanga H. Rwanda government, rebels agree to form joint army // AFP. 20 March 1993.


      Rwandan rebels withdraw from conquered territory // AFP. 20 March 1993.


      Багосора в своем интервью в камерунской тюрьме утверждал, что РПФ убили 150 тыс. хуту, не пожелавших сотрудничать с ним, чтобы «свергнуть демократически установленное правительство» (Aboganena J.-M. De sa prison de Yaoundé, Bagosora s'explique // Africa International. No. 296. 1996. P. 19).


      Up to a million flee fresh Rwanda fighting // Reuters News. 24 February 1993.


      Prunier G. The Rwanda crisis… P. 181.


      Communiqué issued by political parties on 2 March 1993.


      Morel J. La France au coeur du génocide des Tutsi. Paris, 2010. P. 252.


      Coalition for defence of republic withdraws from ruling alliance // BBC/ Africa. 30 March 1993.


      President resigns from leadership of his party // BBC/Africa. 1 April 1993.


      MRND congress ends. New appointments made // BBC/Africa. 7 July 1993.


      Le renouvellement partiel des conseils communaux de mars et septembre 1993.


      Agreement reached on repatriation of refugees at Arusha talks // BBB/Africa. 11 June 1993.


      RPF radio reports agreement at talks on participation of RPF in army // BBB/ Africa. 21 June 1993.


      Rwanda peace pact signature postponed indefinitely // AFP. 24 June 1993.


      Rwandan government asks for UN troops before transitional government is set up // BBC/Africa. 10 July 1993.


      Rwandan government asks…


      Signature to Rwandan peace accord postponed // AFP. 13 July 1993.


      New prime minister appointed to oversee conclusion of Arusha talks // BBC/ Africa. 19 July 1993.


      Rwanda: Opposition party near collapse // Inter Press Service Global Information Network. 22 July 1993.


      Rwandan party expels prime minister // Reuters News. 25 July 1993.


      Peace talks end in agreement. President says he will sign agreement personally // BBC/Africa. 28 July 1993.


      Des Forges A. Op. cit. P. 124.


      Rwandan peace accord signed in Arusha // BBC/Africa. 5 August 1993.


      Prot-1. P. 2–7, 12–14.


      Prot-1. P. 9.


      Prot.-1. P. 23.


      На этот пост планировалось назначить лидера умеренной РДД Твагирамунгу (Accord de paix d'Arusha

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