Preis des aufrechten Gangs. Prodosh Aich

Preis des aufrechten Gangs - Prodosh Aich

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probability ( )

      under 25 % ( )

      under 50 % ( )

      under 75 % ( )

      75 % and more ( )

      24. Do you believe that your occupational aspirations could be more readily fulfilled, if you had the chance of studying at a foreign university?

      yes ( )

      no ( )

      Please give detailed reasons for

      Your above answer!








      25. What is the amount which you have at your disposal for your monthly expenditure?


      26. What is the degree of your satisfaction with your present financial situation?

      very satisfied ( )

      satisfied ( )

      unsatisfied ( )

      very unsatisfied ( )

      27a. Following are some important factors which may be responsible both for high and low achievement in one’s aspirations. Please indicate the most important factor according to your personal opinion!

      1. financial support from parents ( )

      2. financial support from relatives ( )

      3. grace of God ( )

      4.‘Karma’ of this and past lives ( )

      5. own initiative and industrious-

      ness( )

      6. own merit and intelligence ( )

      7. position of caste ( )

      8. social and other supports from

      caste and community ( )

      27b. And which of the following factors is the least important for achievement in one's aspirations?

      1. financial support from parents ( )

      2. financial support from relatives ( )

      3. grace of God ( )

      4.‘Karma’ of this and past lives ( )

      5. own initiative and industrious-

      ness( )

      6. own merit and intelligence ( )

      7. position of caste ( )

      8. social and other supports from

      caste and community ( )

      28a. Taking all factors of your present situation into consideration: do you believe that your future prospects would be different, if you had more financial support from your parents?

      much better ( )

      better ( )

      no difference ( )

      not significant ( )

      28b. Taking again all factors into considera-tion: do you believe that your future prospects would be different, if you had more financial support from your relatives?

      much better ( )

      better ( )

      no difference ( )

      not significant ( )

      28c. Taking again all factors into considera-tion: do you believe that your future prospects would be different, if you had more grace of God?

      much better ( )

      better ( )

      no difference ( )

      not significant ( )

      28d. Taking again all factors into considera-tion: do you believe that your future prospects would be different, if your ‘karma’ of this and past lives had been more favourable?

      much better ( )

      better ( )

      no difference ( )

      not significant ( )

      28e. Taking again all factors into considera-tion: do you believe that your future prospects would be different, if you had invested more initiative and hard work?

      much better ( )

      better ( )

      no difference ( )

      not significant ( )

      28f. Taking again all factors into considera-tion: do you believe that your future

      prospects would be different, if you had more Merit and intelligence?

      much better ( )

      better ( )

      no difference ( )

      not significant ( )

      28g. Taking again all factors into considera-tion: do you believe that your future prospects would be different, if you had more social and other supports from your caste and community?

      much better ( )

      better ( )

      no difference ( )

      not significant ( )

      28h. Taking again all factors into considera-tion: do you believe that your future prospects would be different, if your caste position would have been higher?

      much better ( )

      better ( )

      no difference ( )

      not significant ( )

      29a. To which religion do you belong?


      29b. To which caste do you belong?


      30. What will be the place of your caste on the following scale?

      upper uppercaste ( )

      lower uppercaste ( )

      upper middlecaste ( )

      lower middlecaste ( )

      upper lowercaste ( )

      lower lowercaste ( )

      31. To what degree does your parental Family differ from the norms of your caste?

      does not differ at all ( )

      some minor differences ( )

      some important differences ( )

      very substantial differences ( )

      32. Please take all the marriages of your joint family members in last 10 years into consideration: kindly classify these marriages according to the following categories!

      1. no marriage in last 10 years ( )

      2. only within the caste ( )

      3. mostly within the caste ( )

      4. within the caste and intercaste

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