Muography. Группа авторов
of...Figure 12.10 (a) The center of the hidden cavity and other four reference po...
13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Characteristic glacial landscapes in Switzerland. (a) U‐shaped v...Figure 13.2 Schematic view of muography at alpine glaciers.Figure 13.3 Detector frames mounted on the wall of the Jungfrau railway tunn...Figure 13.4 The microscopic view of the particle tracks recorded in the emul...Figure 13.5 (a) Angular distributions of muons measured beneath the Aletsch ...Figure 13.6 (a) Observed muon flux for thin overburden (≲ 200 m) beneath the...Figure 13.7 (a) Aletsch glacier: raw visualization of the bedrock position d...Figure 13.8 Eiger glacier: Cross‐sectional views of the bedrock topography r...
14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 (a) location of the Boulby Mine and analogous Hewett depleted ga...Figure 14.2 CO2 plume modelling post‐injection, with time increasing from to...Figure 14.3 Cross‐section of an example configuration of scintillator bars i...Figure 14.4 Rate of events as a function of the number of bars hit per event...Figure 14.5 The significance S of the change in muon count in the detector p...Figure 14.6 (a) External enclosure for scintillator bar detector; (b) scinti...
15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Some potential applications of telescope and borehole muography ...Figure 15.2 Stages of an exploration project with associated risk levels and...
16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Schematic of the relationship between the geological model and t...Figure 16.2 The mean muon energy underground, over depths from 1,000 (370) t...Figure 16.3 Fit using equation 16.3, to vertical surface muon intensity data...Figure 16.4 Surface topography above the Price deposit at the Myra Falls min...Figure 16.5 Expected muon radiograph at the S5 location for the Price deposi...Figure 16.6 Isosurface of the 3D density model derived by inverting the muon...Figure 16.7 An overview of the drill holes with density assay information in...Figure 16.8 Sections of the density distribution taken from joint inversion ...Figure 16.9 The McArthur River uranium deposit and the nearby mine workings....Figure 16.10 The anomalous
17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Two versions of muon telescopes operating on the Soufrière of G...Figure 17.2 (Top) Schematics of a muon detector with three active planes (f...Figure 17.3 (Top) Detection principle of a scintillator+WLS fibre system. (...Figure 17.4 First‐generation Scintillator matrices with 16×16 strips from F...Figure 17.5 Second‐generation scintillator matrices with 32×32 strips from ...Figure 17.6 Readout system for MAPM. The front‐end (FE) board, connecting t...Figure 17.7 SiPM Trigger Board connected to the standard readout chain used...Figure 17.8 Summary of the experiments on the Soufrière of Guadeloupe with ...Figure 17.9 Apparent density map of the dome measured from the East side of...Figure 17.10 MURAVES scintillators, schematics, and detection plane. The tr...Figure 17.11 MURAVES structural imaging of the Vesuvius. The color scale has...Figure 17.12 (Left) Schematic view of the radiographic imaging of a volcano ...Figure 17.13 (Left) The muon telescope housed in an iron shield box made of...Figure 17.14 (Left) Picture of a Tunnel‐boring Machine (TBM) of the Herrenk...Figure 17.15 (Left) Picture of the muon detector inside the TBM. (Right) Ex...
18 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Diagram of a single‐gap RPC. The gas volume is contained betwee...Figure 18.2 The TOMUVOL muon telescope (left) and a sketch of one of its de...Figure 18.3 A photograph (a) and a muography (b) of the top 400 meters of t...Figure 18.4 The RPCs usage at the Pierre Auger Observatory and LouMu. (Left...Figure 18.5 Portable muoscope consisting of 4 mini‐gRPC detector layers (le...
19 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 MWPC designed for muography applications (Varga et al., 2016). (...Figure 19.2 MWPC construction and performance. (a) MWPC chamber with 115 cm ...Figure 19.3 Close cathode chamber internal structure (Varga, 2011) (a) and w...Figure 19.4 CCC detector assembly. Back side equipped with readout electroni...Figure 19.5 (a) Event example in an MWPC tracking system with horizontal lay...Figure 19.6 Gas system at the SMO (Varga et al., 2019, with permission of El...Figure 19.7 DAQ system for an MWPC tracking detector, shown (a) as a block s...Figure 19.8 Modularity of large systems drastically increases the tolerance ...Figure 19.9 MOS structure example and background suppression capability. (a)...Figure 19.10 Muography imaging the vicinity of the Fairy‐rock in the Buda hi...Figure 19.11 Long term operation (4 months) of the SMO, data taking conditio...
20 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 MPGDs principle of operation schematics, adapted from Abbon et a...Figure 20.2 Comparison of a photography and a muography of the CEA‐Saclay wa...Figure 20.3 Event display of a muon particle crossing four consecutive multi...Figure 20.4 Muon telescope with four 50×50 cm2 Micromegas mounted on an Alum...Figure 20.5 ADC amplitude variations as a function of time for a single dete...Figure 20.6 Typical control box containing the front‐end electronics, high‐v...Figure 20.7 Muography of the full (left) and empty (right) water tower (Bout...Figure 20.8 Evolution of the muon flux ratio between the tank region and the...Figure 20.9 Location of the detected void inside the Khufu’s pyramid (Tran, ...
21 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 (a) Nuclear emulsion before (left) and after (right) chemical de...Figure 21.2 Latent image fading characteristics of nuclear emulsions at 30 °...Figure 21.3 Comparison of latent image fading characteristics at 30 °C and 4...Figure 21.4 Comparison of fog‐increasing characteristics of nuclear emulsion...Figure 21.5 Fog increasing characteristics at 30 °C and 40% RH. Optical micr...Figure 21.6 Automated scanning systems: (a) S‐UTS, (b) ESS (Figure 1 of Arra...Figure 21.7 Process of emulsion scanning and three‐dimensional track reconst...Figure 21.8 Structure of nuclear emulsion detector and example of three‐dime...Figure 21.9 Muography of Mount Asama after eruption 2004. (a) Muograph of Mo...Figure 21.10 Muography of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2. (a) ...Figure 21.11 Muography of Khufu’s Pyramid. (a) Schematic view of Khufu’s Pyr...
6 Preface
9 Index
1 ii
2 iii
3 iv
4 vii
5 viii
6 ix