Applied Smart Health Care Informatics. Группа авторов
(ebook) | ISBN
9781119743170 (hardback) | ISBN 9781119743200 (adobe pdf) | ISBN
9781119742982 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: Medical informatics.
Classification: LCC R858 .A69 2022 (print) | LCC R858 (ebook) | DDC
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Cover Design: Wiley
Cover Image: © sdecoret/Shutterstock
Sourav De would like to dedicate this book to his respected father‐in‐law, Late Barun Ghosh.
Rik Das would like to dedicate this book to his father Mr. Kamal Kumar Das, his mother Mrs. Malabika Das, his wife Mrs. Simi Das, and his children Sohan and Dikshan.
Siddhartha Bhattacharyya would like to dedicate this book to Late Nalini Bhuson Acharjee and Late Nirmala Acharjee, the parents‐in‐law of his second eldest sister.
Ujjwal Maulik would like to dedicate this volume to all his students, including his son UTSAV, his colleagues, and his collaborators.
Health care informatics, aka medical informatics, refers to the application of information engineering and management to the field of health care, which covers the management and use of patient health care information. By means of a multidisciplinary approach, it uses health information technology to improve health care by migrating to newer and higher quality opportunities. The United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) defines health informatics as “an interdisciplinary study of the design, development, adoption and application of IT‐based innovations in health care services delivery, management and planning.” Essentially, it affects the optimization of the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information in health and bio‐medicine. Intelligent health care informatics augments the purview of existing health care amenities by adapting intelligent technologies to information engineering. Intelligent analysis of the information therein enhances the overall management as far as resource use is concerned.
With the advent of Big Data analysis, intelligent health care informatics has called for the efficient and effective use of healthcare data and the diagnosis thereof. During the next few years, there must be a sea change in the approaches to health care management. Smart pills may come to the foray as Bio‐MEMS drug delivery systems or intelligent drug delivery systems. Wearable medical devices could be attached to the patient's body to keep in touch with physicians for real time monitoring. Nano‐bots might be used to collect specimens or look for early signs of disease. Content management could also become more intelligent and intricate.
Patients with chronic disease live for decades through modern medication, surgery, close supervision, and other modern treatments. Soon, patients can manage their healthcare conditions. They can also take necessary measures to prevent escalation and deterioration of their health. Curative and reactive healthcare approaches will switch to preventive and proactive health management. Someday, people will be able to control their own lifestyle and future health, and that will bring a revolution.
In this journey, artificial intelligence or computational intelligence will play a pivotal role in improving the quality of services of healthcare systems, and that will bring a better coordination of care. Intelligent health will be the potential solution to keep up with the escalating increase of healthcare cost. Huge amounts of existing data in the healthcare sector can be managed with the tools of intelligent systems like machine learning, meta‐heuristic algorithms, big data, deep learning, internet‐of‐things (IoT), etc. It will be easy and faster for the surgeons, hospital, medical, and emergency staff to find the probable treatment or drug for rare diseases. Innovations of the intelligent systems in the healthcare arena may help society by reducing the cost and time of medical treatments; concrete solutions for a particular disease can be easily found.
This volume, comprising eight well‐versed chapters (apart from the introductory and concluding chapters), will entice the readers to engage with major emerging trends in technology that are supporting the advancement of the medical image analysis with the help of artificial intelligence and computational intelligence. This volume elaborates on the fundamentals and advancement of conventional approaches in the field of health care management. The scope of this volume also opens an arena in which researchers propose new approaches and review state‐of‐the‐art machine learning, computer vision, and soft computing techniques as well as relate the same to their applications in medical image analysis. The motivation of this volume is not only to put forward new ideas in technology innovation but also to analyse the effect of the same in the current context of medical healthcare.
Health care informatics, also referred as biomedical or medical informatics, is an application of information engineering and management in the medical field. Health care fundamentally covers the management and employment of patient health care information. It is a multidisciplinary field that studies and pursues the effectual use of biomedical data, knowledge for scientific inquiry, information, problem solving, and decision making. Chapter 1 provides an overview of a few smart healthcare practices.
Lung cancer is a fatal form of cancer around the world. The American Lung Association reports an estimated five‐year survival rate in lung cancer patients of 18.6%. The statistics affirm that the survival rate is significantly lower than in other forms of cancer. However, the five‐year survival rate stands at 56% when the disease is diagnosed in a localized stage. Some cases do not appear to have symptoms until cancer has reached a later stage. The primary cause of concern is the low percent of early lung cancer detection, which is merely 16%. Lung cancer staging is a procedure associated with the disease's successful prognosis and formulation of an efficient treatment plan. Medical imaging techniques play a vital role in the diagnosis of lung cancer. Accuracy is crucial in treatment as lung cancer is influenced by internal and external factors or mistaken for other pulmonary diseases. The staging of cancer allows for the significant elimination of treatment failures. However, cancer staging is a dynamic process that involves multiple and frequent modifications to recognize organ features. The staging process requires a more robust and automated technique that can provide sensitive and unique input to improve the overall treatment process. Thus, artificial intelligence sub‐branches such as deep learning play a vital role in initiating such improvements for an efficient cancer staging process. Chapter 2 uncovers the potential of a deep learning model combined with positron emission tomography—computed tomography (PET‐CT) to develop a technique that identifies tumors with more precision. The proposed research will assist doctors in accurately measuring the tumor and identifying the stage of lung cancer that will determine further treatment and an exact prognosis.
Cyber‐physical attacks (CP attacks), originating in cyber space but damaging physical infrastructure, are a significant recent research focus. Such attacks have affected many cyber‐physical systems (CPSs) such as smart grids, intelligent transportation systems, and medical devices. In Chapter 3, the authors consider techniques for the detection and mitigation of CP attacks on medical devices. It is obvious that such attacks have immense safety implications. This work is based on formal methods, a class of mathematically founded techniques for the specification and verification of safety‐critical systems. The interaction of a cardiac pacemaker is discussed. Subsequently, the authors provide an overview of formal methods with particular emphasis on run‐time based approaches, which are ideal for the design of security monitors. Two recently developed approaches are illustrated that assist in the detection of attacks as well as mitigation.