Analytical Methods for Environmental Contaminants of Emerging Concern. Группа авторов

Analytical Methods for Environmental Contaminants of Emerging Concern - Группа авторов

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such as chlorothalonil and TPs (sulphonic acids and phenols) by LC-Orbitrap-MS [90]. However, sometimes these extraction procedures are avoided, and direct injection of water samples, after filtration, can be considered when using LC. In fact, its combination with tandem MS (MS/MS) has allowed for the determination of pesticides at ultra-trace levels in surface and groundwaters [25, 27, 91].

PesticidesMatrixExtraction techniqueDetermination techniqueRecovery (%)LOQ (µg l−1)Reference
4 OCP and 2 OPPsSurface waterLLE (dichloromethane)GC-FID80–900.002
296 pesticides + 156 pharmaceuticals, 18 consumer products, 10 industrial chemicals and 4 othersCoastal watersSPE (Oasis HLB and SpePak cartridges)LC-QTOF-MS70–1300.00002–0.300b
14 pesticides and TPsSurface waterand drinking waterSPE (Oasis HLB cartridge)UHPLC-QTrap-MS/MS85–1050.01–0.1
19 acidic herbicides + metabolitesRiver waterSPE (Oasis HLB cartridge)LC-QqQ-MS/MS64–1110.004–0.022
6 neonicotinoids and metabolitesDrinking waterSPE (Oasis HLB cartridge)LC-DAD-QqQ-MS/MS& QTOF-MS57–1200.000057–0.000488b[18]
ca. 500 pesticides and TPsSurface water and groundwaterSPE (Oasis HLB cartridge)UHPLC-QTOF-MS[23]
8 pesticides + TPsSurface waterMix mode SPE:(HLB: WAX: WCX, 2 : 1: 1)LC-QqQ-MS/MS43–1410.00002–0.0056b[73]
125 pesticides and metabolites + 130 pharmaceuticals and metabolites + 42 antibiotics and metabolites + 63 othersSurface and marine waterSPE (Strata-X and the mixture Strata-X-AW: Strata-X-CW: Isolute ENV + (1 : 1 : 1.5))LC-LTQ-Orbitrap-MS83–93[74]
Surface waterOnsite integrative large-volume SPE (HR-X sorbent)UHPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap MS60–123[75]
96 including pesticides and TPsSurface water,groundwater and drinking waterOn-line SPEUHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS0.005–0.025[24]
51 pesticidesSurface water and groundwaterOn-line SPE (Prospekt-2-system)LC-QqQ-MS/MS80–1250.010[78]
8 pesticidesSurface water and groundwaterQuEChERS (Acetonitrile, MgSO4 and NaCl)GC-Q-MS85–1030.95–13.69[80]
Cyflumetofen + 2 metabolitesSurface waterQuEChERS (Acetonitrile, MgSO4 and NaCl)UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS79–1180.7–9.8[21]
102 pesticidesSurface water and groundwaterSBSE (PDMS) (GC)On-line SPE (LC)GC-Q-MS (27)UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS (75)0.015–0.025 (GC)0.005–0.025 (LC)[77]
10 pesticidesSurface waterHF-LPMEGC-Q-MS85–1150.14–1.69[82]
14 pesticides + 16 PAHs + 26 PCBs + 6 BDEsSurface waterOn-Line SPME (DI, PA fiber)GC-DFS-HRMS87–1160.0001–0.050[84]
16 pesticidesSurface water, marine water and groundwaterMagnetic SPME with a magnetic DES-based polymeric hydrogelGC-µECD61–1200.006–0.399[86]
24 pesticidesSurface waterSPME (Novel carbon nanomaterial sorbent)GC-Q-MS70–1230.0007–3.7320[87]
18 chiral pesticidesSurface water and influent and effluent wastewaterMagnetic SPME (Amino modified multiwalled carbon nanotubes)LC-QqQ-MS/MS83–1050.00035–0.00204[88]
PesticidesMatrixExtraction techniqueDetermination techniqueRecovery (%)LOQ (µg l−1)Reference
Chlorothalonil + 6 TPsSurface water and groundwaterVacuum-assisted evaporative concentrationLC-Orbitrap-MS85–1100.0002–0.010[90]
215 pesticides and TPs (Method SH2437)30 pesticides(Method LC9045)3 herbicides (glyphosate, AMPA and glufosinate)(Method GLYPH)GroundwaterSH2437 &: LC9045: Direct injectionGLYPH: derivatization with FMOC prior to on-line SPELC-QqQ-MS/MS78–1140.001–1.350b0.001–0.028b0.020b[25]
150 pesticide metabolitesSurface waterand groundwaterDirect injectionLC-QqQ-MS/MS0.003–2.000[27]
16 polar pesticides + pharmaceuticalsGroundwaterExtraction from passive sampler (POCIS): acetone:methanolUHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS42–1160.00003–0.00135b[59]

      bLimit of detection.

Pesticides Extraction Determination technique Recovery (%) LOQ (µg kg−1) Reference