Beginning Programming All-in-One For Dummies. Wallace Wang
Multidimensional Arrays Using Structures with Arrays Drawbacks of Arrays Chapter 2: Sets and Linked Lists Using Sets Using Linked Lists Drawbacks of Sets and Linked Lists Chapter 3: Collections and Dictionaries Using a Collection Using Dictionaries Understanding Hash Tables Chapter 4: Stacks, Queues, and Deques Using Stacks Using Queues Using Deques Chapter 5: Graphs and Trees Understanding Graphs Creating Trees Taking Action on Trees
8 Book 4: Algorithms Chapter 1: Sorting Algorithms Using Bubble Sort Using Selection Sort Using Insertion Sort Using Shell Sort Using Heap Sort Using Merge Sort Using Quick Sort Comparing Sorting Algorithms Chapter 2: Searching Algorithms Sequential Search Using Indexes Adversarial Search Chapter 3: String Searching Sequential Text Search Searching with Regular Expressions Searching Phonetically Chapter 4: Data Compression Algorithms Lossless Data Compression Algorithms Lossy Data Compression Chapter 5: Encryption Algorithms How Encryption Works The Basics of Encryption Symmetric/Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms Cracking Encryption
Book 5: Web Programming
Chapter 1: HyperText Markup Language
The Structure of an HTML Document
Adding Graphics
Defining the Background
Creating Hyperlinks
Making Tables
Chapter 2: CSS
The Structure of a Stylesheet
Creating Style Classes
Separating Styles in Files
Cascading Stylesheets
Chapter 3: JavaScript
The Structure of a JavaScript Program
Creating Comments
Declaring Variables
Using Operators
Branching Statements
Looping Statements
Creating Functions
Using Arrays
Designing User Interfaces
Chapter 4: PHP
Examining the Structure of a PHP Program
Creating Comments
Declaring Variables
Using Operators
Branching Statements
Looping Statements
Creating Functions
Using Arrays
Creating Objects
Chapter 5: Ruby
The Structure of a Ruby Program
Creating Comments
Declaring Variables
Using Operators