The Climate City. Группа авторов

The Climate City - Группа авторов

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      For their support and encouragement, my love and thanks to Caroline, Jacob, Tessa, Albert, Annie, and Bluebell and Millie. To Daphne and Josephine for their original inspiration. Thanks to my Mum and Dad and my brother Andrew and my sister, Kathryn. Thanks to Pat and Randall. All the people along my career who have given me huge support which led me to this moment. These include Malcolm Horner, Professor George Korfiatis, Alan Swinger, Nicola Suozzo, Paul Craddock, Alistair Kirk, Peter Bishop, Frank Lee, Isabel Dedring, Rit Aggarwala, Jay Carson, Boris Johnson, Sir Simon Milton, Roland Busch, Alex Stuebler, Pedro Miranda, Savvas Verdis, Barbara Humpton, Camille Johnson, and Anthony Casciano.

      A special mention to Cathe Reams, who helps us all to smile, and helped me look at the chapters in a particular sequence, and my fabulous niece, Livvie Hackland, who was drafted in to help me link the chapters and whose work ethic and writing are both spectacular.

      Special thanks to Amalie Østergaard for her support from the City of Copenhagen and to Jakob Geiger for his support in The Resourceful City.

      A big thank you to people I met along the way who inspired me to engage deeper with this topic: Samantha Heath for her tenacity, Mike Bloomberg for his targeted impact, and Al Gore, whose pursuit of detail, kind manner, and relentless ability to focus action in the right places at the right time (and his movie!) were a true inspiration to me and I have attempted to echo this approach in the book.

      Annie Chiu, Paul Sayer, Todd Green, Skyler Van Valkenburgh, Amy Odum, Julie Musk, Janane Sivakumar and Hema Krishnamoourthy at Wiley, who calmly and professionally made this happen.

      Each of my children had ideas for the cover, which led me to use the image of Fleet Street as it could be reimagined. I want to thank WATG for supplying it ( Founded in Honolulu in 1945 by George “Pete” Wimberly, WATG is one of the world’s leading hospitality and destination design firms. Independent to this day and with a profound respect for heritage, its team of strategists, master planners, architects, landscape architects, and interior designers have created more than 400 built projects in 170 countries.

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