Банкроты и ростовщики Российской империи. Долг, собственность и право во времена Толстого и Достоевского. Сергей Антонов
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Searle G. R. Morality and the Market in Victorian Britain. Clarendon Press, 1998. P. 77–106; Alborn T. Conceiving Companies: Joint Stock Politics in Victorian England. Abington, 1998; Taylor J. Boardroom Scandal: The Criminalization of Company Fraud in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Oxford, 2013; Robb G. White-Collar Crime in Modern England: Financial Fraud and Business Morality, 1845–1929. Cambridge, 1992; Victorian Investments: New Perspectives on Finance and Culture / Eds. N. Henry, C. Schmitt. Bloomington, 2009; Maza S. The Myth of the French Bourgeoisie: An Essay on the Social Imaginary, 1750–1850. Cambridge, 2003. P. 203.
Pravilova E. A Public Empire. P. 4; Johnson W. River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom. Belknap Press, 2013; Baptist E. The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism. Basic Books, 2014; Beckert S. Empire of Cotton: A Global History. Knopf, 2014; Mihm S. A Nation of Counterfeiters: Capitalists, Con Men, and the Making of the United States. Cambridge, 2007; Davis M. Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World. Verso, 2001; Smail D. L. Legal Plunder. P. 14; критику теории Норта см. в: Allen R. The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective. Cambridge, 2009. P. 5.
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Smith A. For the Common Good; Kelly C. Refining Russia: Advice Literature, Polite Culture, and Gender from Catherine to Yeltsin. Oxford, 2001. P. 99; Confino M. The Soslovie (Estate) Paradigm: Reflections on Some Open Questions // Cahiers du monde russe. 2008. Vol. 49. P. 681–704; Freeze G. L. The Soslovie (Estate) Paradigm and Russian Social History // The American Historical Review. 1986. Vol. 91. P. 11–36; Wirtschafter E. K. Structures of Society: Imperial Russia’s «People of Various Ranks». DeKalb, 1994; Иванова Н. А., Желтова В. П. Сословное общество Российской империи. М., 2010; Mironov B. A Social History of Imperial Russia. 2 vols. Westview Press, 1999; см. также: Vickery A. The Gentleman’s Daughter: Women’s Lives in Georgian England. New Haven, 1998.
Об Англии в эпоху раннего Нового времени см.: Muldrew C. The Economy of Obligation.
Moon D. The Russian Peasantry 1600–1930. Reading, 1999; Burbank J. Russian Peasants Go to Court: Legal Culture in the Countryside, 1905–1917. Bloomington, 2004; Dennison T. The Institutional Framework; Stanziani A. Bondage: Labor and Rights in Eurasia from the Sixteenth to the Early Twentieth Centuries. New York, 2014; см. также: Hoch S. Serfdom and Social Control in Russia. Chicago, 1989. Можно отметить такую важную старую англоязычную работу о крестьянах, как: Blum J. Lord and Peasant.
Blum J. Lord and Peasant. P. 379–385.
Becker S. Nobility and Privilege; Marrese M. L. A Woman’s Kingdom: Noblewomen and the Control of Property in Russia, 1700–1861. Ithaca, 2002 (рус. пер.: Маррезе М. Л. Бабье царство: Дворянки и владение имуществом в России (1700–1861). М., 2009; Kivelson V. The Effects of Partible Inheritance: Gentry Families and the State in Muscovy // Russian Review. 1994. Vol. 53. P. 197–212; Cavender M. Nests of the Gentry; Smith-Peter S. The Russian Provincial Newspaper and Its Public, 1788–1864 // The Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies. Vol. 1908. Pittsburgh, 2008; Evtuhov C. Portrait of a Russian Province: Economy, Society, and Civilization in Nineteenth-Century Nizhnii Novgorod. Pittsburgh, 2011; Antonova K. P. An Ordinary Marriage.
Farrow L. Between Clan and Crown; Wagner W. Marriage, Property, and Law.