Очерки всемирной истории страхования и перестрахования. Том 2. Развитие страхования и перестрахования с 18-го века в отдельных странах и регионах. Александр Артамонов
Walford Cornelius. The Insurance Guide and Hand Book, The Insurance Guide and Handbook. Being a Guide to the Principles and Practice of Life Assurance; And a Hand-Book of the Best Authorities on the Science. London, Charles and Edwin Layton, 1900. Р. 245.
Golding С. Е. A History of Reinsurance with Sidelights on Insurance, 2nd Ed., London: Waterlow & Sons Ltd. for Sterling Offices Limited, 1931. Р. 57.
Golding C. E. A History of Reinsurance with Sidelights on Insurance, 2nd Ed. London: Waterlow & Sons Ltd. for Sterling Offices Limited, 1931. Р. 57.
Kopf Edwin William. FCAS, «The Notes on Origin and Development of Reinsurance», Proceedings of the Casualty Actuarial Society XVI (1929). Р. 43.
См., Kopf Edwin William. FCAS, «The Notes on Origin and Development of Reinsurance», Proceedings of the Casualty Actuarial Society XVI (1929). Р. 44.
Golding С. Е. A History of Reinsurance with Sidelights on Insurance, 2nd Ed. London: Waterlow & Sons Ltd. for Sterling Offices Limited, 1931. Р. 19.
Babbage. Passages from the Life of a Philosopher, New Brunswick, N. J. : Rutgers University Press; Piscataway, N. J. : IEEE Press, 1994. Р. 27.
Walford Cornelius. History of Life Assurance in the United Kingdom, Cambridge, Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and Assurance Magazine, 1885/04, Vol. 25. P. 307.
Walford Cornelius. History of Life Assurance in the United Kingdom, Cambridge, Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and Assurance Magazine, 1885/04, Vol. 25. P. 311.
Walford Cornelius. History of Life Assurance in the United Kingdom. Cambridge, Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and Assurance Magazine, 1885/04, Vol. 25. P. 311.
Walford Cornelius. History of Life Assurance in the United Kingdom. Cambridge, Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and Assurance Magazine, 1885/04, Vol. 25. P. 312.
Walford Cornelius. History of Life Assurance in the United Kingdom. Cambridge, Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and Assurance Magazine, 1885/04, Vol. 25. P. 443-444.
Morgan William. Doctrine of annuities and assurances on lives and survivorships, stated and explained, London: Printed for T. Cadell, 1779. P. 27.
Hendricks Frederick. Contributions to the History of Insurance, and of the Theory of Life Contingencies, with a Restoration of the Grand Pensionary De Witt’s Treatise on Life Annuities // Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (The Assurance Magazine). 1852. Vide, xxix., p. 491.
См., 38 & 39 Vict. С. 60 — Friendly Societies Act 1875.
Walford Cornelius. History of Life Assurance in the United Kingdom, Cambridge, Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and Assurance Magazine, 1885/04, Vol. 25. P. 463.
Цит. по кн. Arnould Joseph. Arnould on the Law of Marine Insurance and Average, 3rd ed. David Maclachlan, Vol. II, London: Stevens & Sons, H. Sweet, and W. Maxwell, 1866; http://books.google.com, pp. 1093-1094.
Здесь и далее цит. по кн. Park James Allan. A System of Law of Marine Insurances, 6th Ed. London, A. Strahan, 1809. Р. 349-351.
Сан Доминго — французская колония в Карибском море с 1625 года по 1804 год.
См., Park James Allan. A System of Law of Marine Insurances, 6th Ed. London, A. Strahan, 1809. Р. 351-352.
Закон о морском страховании 1745 года.
Цит. по кн. Park James Allan. A System of Law of Marine Insurances, 6th Ed. London, A. Strahan, 1809. Р. 352-353.
Цит. по кн. Martin Frederick. The History of Lloyd’s and of Marine Insurance in Great Britain. London: Macmillan and Co., 1876. Р. 141-142.
Golding Cecil Edward. The Law and Practice of Reinsurance. London, Buckley Press Limited, 1965. Р. 2-3.
Marshall Samuel. A Treatise on the Law of Insurance in Four Books, Second American from the second London edition, U. S. cases collected by J. W. Condy, Philadelphia: William P. Farrand and Co., 1810. Р. 144.
Kopf Edwin William. FCAS, «The Notes on Origin and Development of Reinsurance». Proceedings of the Casualty Actuarial Society XVI (1929). Р. 27.
Gerathewohl Klaus. Reinsurance Principles and Practice, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft e. V. Vol. II. Karlsruhe 1982. Р. 677.
См., Supple Barry. A History of British Insurance, 1720-1970. Cambridge: Cambridge Universiry Press, 1970. Р. 106.
Golding Cecil Edward. A History of Reinsurance with Sidelights on Insurance, 2nd Ed., London: Waterlow & Sons Ltd. for Sterling Offices Limited, 1931, p. 30.
Golding Cecil Edward. A History of Reinsurance with Sidelights on Insurance, 2nd Ed. London: Waterlow & Sons Ltd. for Sterling Offices Limited, 1931. Р. 31.
Цит. по кн. Golding Cecil Edward. A History of Reinsurance with