Russia. Crimea. History. Nikolay Starikov

Russia. Crimea. History - Nikolay Starikov

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civilization into a kind of civilizational “in-between”, i. e. to rip out Ukraine off Russia at the same time denying it in full integration with Europe, has resulted in serious internal cracks in the Ukrainian state and in the Ukrainian mentality. The first serious crisis has brought these cracks at surface; the state began to splutter.

      Nobody can expect that a rape of a “genetic code” of dozens of millions people would remain without any consequences. During the two decades, people were permanently told that they are Ukrainians; they MUST talk, write, and think only in Ukrainian. It was not a problem for those, who feel an ethnic Ukrainian – they were doing all this without any internal discomfort. But for those, who believed to be a Russian or of any other ethnical origin, were feeling a kind of violence, a kind of being “slightly raped”. There were no such frustrations during the USSR: everybody studied at schools both Russian and Ukrainian languages. There were no tension. Why? Because nobody forced no one to get into another civilization; within the scope of the Russian World, nobody regarded Ukrainian language (or any other original language of whatever territory) as an alien one. It is quite natural – our civilization is multinational and versatile, this civilization has NEVER imposed any bans on talking and writing native language. Denial of national identity and genocide – all these came from the West, these are signs of western civilizations. In fact, Ukraine could not have taken place as a state, because its elites kept on telling people about the “European choice”, and they were pulling the country toward an alien civilization, going to “cut” to the quick.

      Here is a chronology of those crucial and fateful for the history of the Russian world events[13].

      18 September 2013. Ukrainian Council of Ministers unanimously approved a draft of the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement[14].

      23 October 2013. European Parliament resolution of 23 October 2013 on the European Neighborhood Policy – Recommends that the Council sign the Association Agreement between the EU and its Member States, on the one part, and Ukraine on the other part[15].

      24 October 2013. At the press conference on the results of the Minsk EurAsEC (The Eurasian Economic Community) summit, The Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that in case of the association of Ukraine with EU, Ukraine would not be eligible to join the Customs Union (The Eurasian Customs Union (EACU)).

      18 November 2013. The meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council of EU was supposed to elaborate the final decision on whether to sign the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement during the EU summit in Vilnius 28–29 November 2013 or not. The Council failed to adopt the final decision because Ukraine had not yet met all requirements, which were mandatory to put into effect this Agreement. It was declared that the doors are still open for Ukraine. One of the main pre-requisites was to release Yulia Timoshenko from prison and let her travel to Germany for further treatment. The liberation of the “orange princess” meant a political suicide for Yanukovich; the West demanded of him full and unconditional surrender. Timoshenko herself – as a political leader – was, however, of no need for the West. The results of the elections 25 May 2014 showed this clearly. She got four times fewer votes than the US-appointee – Petr Poroshenko!

      21 November 2013. All Parliament members from the fractions of the Party of the Regions and the Communist Party during a plenary session of the Supreme Rada rejected all six legislative drafts, which would enable the ex-Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko go abroad for the further treatment – this was one of the main requirement of the European Union.[16].

      • Later that day the Ukrainian Council of Ministers (the Government) adopted a document called “The question of the agreement on association of Ukraine on the one hand and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and the Member States on the other hand”. According to the document, taking into account the issues of the national security of Ukraine, the process of the preparation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and EU has been suspended[17]. In the same document, several Ukrainian ministries were entrusted “to resume the active dialogue with the Russian Federation and with other countries of the Customs Union and the countries-members of CIS in order to boost up trade and economic relations for the sake of preserving and strengthening of the economic potential of the country by means of joint endeavor”. It was like a bomb explosion. Information began to circulate in mass media that the Ukrainian Council of Ministers has finally made a point of thorough reading and calculation of the Agreement, proposed by the EU. And got horrified. The question why the President and the ministers had not done this before (had not read the text of the Agreement) was silently hushed up.

      • Approximately, at 22:00 21 November the first action started at the Kiev’s Maidan Nezalezhnosti (The Square of Independence – or just “Maidan”). About one or two thousand people got together for a rally. It was quite a motley crowd: journalists, social activists, opposition leaders (Vitaly Klitschko – “UDAR” party, Oleg Tyagnibok – party “Svoboda” (“Freedom” or “Liberty”), Arseniy Yatsenyuk – Party “Bat’kivshchina” (“Fatherland”)). They came there after they had received definite instructions from their Western curators. They came only AFTER SEVERAL HOURS after the suspension of the Association Agreement was declared. Later, namely these three persons would become the “faces” of the second “Maidan”[18].

      22 November 2013. Despite the Kiev municipal authority’s ban, “itself” formed a tent city. Just “spontaneously” formed… With a commandant Andriy Parubiy[19]. Protests started in Lvov.

      • At the same day, EU declined an offer of the Ukrainian Government to arrange trilateral talks – EU-Ukraine-Russia – as an “unparalleled” in the practice of the European Union. Only after blood was shed, only after several months of sheer violence the West agreed on the participation of Russia in the talks on Ukraine – as one of the equitable parties. But in November 2013 both Bruxelles and Washington refused – according to their plans, Russia must not be present in Ukraine at all soon[20].

      • Crimea. The Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea supported the decision of the Ukrainian Prime Minister Azarov to suspend the process of the “euro-integration”. The Supreme Council expressed its deep concern about the “destructive actions of the political opposition forces”, and called upon to “the further strengthening friendly ties of Crimea and Russia”[21]. The people of Crimea have not yet known how drastically their whole live would change in just only four months.

      24 November 2013. A mass rally at the Maidan. After it has finished, a part of the protesters (most of them were pro-“Svoboda” party activists) tried to break through to the main entrance of the building of the Council of Ministers and blocked the access to it for official government vehicles. The entrance was guarded by several hundred soldiers of the special police unit “Berkut”. The protesters began clashes with the police forces. The police has used batons and tear gas; the protesters has also sprayed out gas and thrown several firecrackers and flash-bangs[22].

      28–29 November 2013. A summit of the Eastern Partnership took place in Vilnius. Only an agreement on joint aviation area between Ukraine and the EU was initialed within its framework. The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union was not signed. Yanukovich has come out of hand, and from that moment he became “doomed”. During all official and unofficial meetings held at the summit, all European leaders were expressing an explicit coldness toward him; their faces wore not smiles but rather something in between despise and annoyance. Yanukovich could have saved himself as a political leader only via struggle and resistance – but not via talks and blind trust in somebody’s promises.

      30 November 2013. The police forces has dispersed the

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Of course, this chronology is not 100 % comprehensive, but the authors do not pretend to be solving such challenge.


The Government unanimously approved a draft of the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement (in Russian).


The European Parliament supported the signing of association with Ukraine (in Russian); In original:–0446%2b0%2bDOC%2bXML%2bV0%2f%2fEN&language=EN


Rada rejected all six laws to allow Timoshenko to travel for medical treatment. (in Russian).


Ukraine has suspended the process leading to the conclusion of the Association Agreement with the EU–11–21/ukraina-priostanovila-process-podgotovki-k-zaklyucheniyu-dogovora-ob-associacii-s-es/(in Russian).


The Maidan chronology. (as of 14 June 2014, in Russian)


Such tent camp could have grown also in Moscow, on Pushkin’s square, but to prevent it the Moscow police did good job. “Earlier had been said, that the tents would be handed out at the square to all potential participants of future protest actions, forecasted on 5 March – according to activists – after the Presidential elections. Vadim Korovin from “RosAgit” already on 28 February announced about the tents hand out. He claimed that the tents are suitable for installation in urban conditions. He has also stressed that “RosAgit” does not call on for protests; they just want to “help people”. The famous blogger Alexey Naval’ny supported the initiative with the tents’ distribution, but at the same time, he claimed that he is not involved in the action. The action “Tent for free” at the Pushkin’s square did not happen. Using its authority, the police confiscated all tents as allegedly stolen.” Details see: V. Borodina. The Police took tents. (in Russian).


As well as the Russian naval fleet in Crimea – there must be a base for the American navy. All economic ties with Russia would have been cut off.


The Crimean Parliament supported Azarov and Russia. (as of 14 June 2014, in Russian).


The Maidan chronology. (in Russian).