Позитивные изменения. Образование. Школа будущего (Тематический выпуск, 2022)/Positive changes. Education. The school of the future (Special issue, 2022). Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения»
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Наверное, стили взаимодействия с родителями, обратная связь, коммуникация. Есть школы, где это вообще не принято.
Система оценивания – какое там оценивание? Вариативность – тоже одна из историй. То есть, насколько школа может быть гибкой, насколько она может под ребенка подстраиваться.
К какой образовательной модели ближе Школа будущего – финской, азиатской, международный бакалавриат?
Мне кажется, она ближе к какой-то скандинавской модели, финской, в частности. Это исключительно то, что я про это знаю, сидя здесь, внутри такой школы я не была. То есть это модель европейской школы, которая говорит: «Вот вам среда с возможностями, но в рамках одной школы ты можешь по-разному эти возможности брать. Если ты одаренный, хорошо, мы тебе выстроим трек. Если у тебя есть какие-то трудности, то ничего страшного». Для меня это такая вот, наверное, гуманная европейская школа.
The School of the Future is the School of Life and an Environment of Opportunities. Interview with Anna Vysotskaya
Natalia Gladkikh, Ivan Smekalin
DOI 10.55140/2782–5817–2022–2-S1–14–21
Every parent wants the best for their child, including a good education. According to a study by Skysmart, an online school for kids and teens, only 55 % of parents surveyed are generally satisfied with their children's schooling. The main reason for dissatisfaction is the lack of a personalized approach to the child. Educational consultants and coaches are there to help parents in choosing the best school. The editors of Positive Changes Journal talked to Anna Vysotskaya, a neuropsychologist and education expert who consults over 1,000 parents a year on choosing a school for their children.
Anna Vysotskaya
Natalia Gladkikh
PhD in Psychology, Leading Expert, Centre for Technological Innovations, а Institute of Social and Economic Design at the Higher School of Economics
Ivan Smekalin
Analyst, Positive Changes Factory
What are the most common requests parents ask you as a consultant?
I can quote the most popular query: "Help me find a school that will help my child get into a prestigious university on his/her own.” Few parents actually come in asking for "a school that will develop a personality." This is mentioned sometimes, but this is not really a popular demand. In short, most parents are just focused on academic knowledge. I think we are observing a substantial shift of our value system towards academic skills. I attribute this primarily to the fact that free education is currently leaving the market. Applicants have to compete hard to get a state-funded place at the university. We are not yet ready to accept this future expense as inevitable and to plan this as part of the process of raising a child. Accordingly, parents have a great deal of anxiety about whether they will be able to provide their children with a decent higher education.
In your opinion, what knowledge, skills, and abilities does a student need to develop now, because they will be needed in the near future?
In my opinion, the School of the Future should take care of the child’s health first and foremost. This is something today’s system misses altogether – a culture of mental and physical health. I’ve only seen one school that at least had an articulated approach to managing the students’ health resources.
Physical health is the place to start, obviously: who you are, what you are, how your body functions, what healthy sleeping, eating and socializing is. In some schools, this comes in the early forms of some emotional intelligence courses or communication workshops. I mean, some schools are doing this, but we cannot talk about widespread implementation. Because it is closely tied to the infrastructure.
What kind of infrastructure should be created for a health school?
The school should have exciting recreational areas, sports halls, 3D physical education equipment, and sensory rooms. Too many children today are susceptible to sensory overload, children with ASD, who need these spaces. It is a story about a child being able to learn whether or not he or she wants to be friends with their body.
I am not just talking about physical culture, I am talking about a culture of health. It is great when kids can learn to cook in school, for example. And not just to cook, but also can learn about the peculiarities of cooking. But then again, I have not seen this as an integral element anywhere. Some schools have workshops, kitchens, children learning to cook, but, for example, they do not understand why they do it, what it is about, they do not learn the chemical composition of food. In general, school should be about life.
What can you say about the teachers of the future and the role of the school in general? The teacher is no longer the sole source of knowledge. A good teacher must constantly change in a positive way. But often teachers do not have the time to do that. That is, they just keep replaying some experience that they have accumulated. So often a child can get knowledge faster and more effectively in extended education. And most importantly, at their own pace.
Then what is the school supposed to do? All it can do is to make sense of things. Because life is full of actions these days. The parents objectively have little time to invest in their children, to pass on their experiences, to nurture and to pass on culture. It is great if the school can share the family values. So the main block is what I call "health school”, i.e. everything that has to do with culture. This includes everything: physical culture, communication culture or emotional intelligence, mental hygiene and mindfulness.
The School of the Future should take care of the child’s health first and foremost. This is something today’s system misses altogether – a culture of mental and physical health.
What else do modern schools lack?
Oddly enough, creativity, which we understand in a broad sense – painting, music, sculpture, architecture. What our compatriots always talk about when they go, for example, to study in a British school: "I couldn’t make my kid draw, and now he is producing masterpieces.” Because first of all, they have the equipment for this and, secondly, they have great