Дипломатия и дипломаты. Из истории международных отношений стран Запада и России. Коллектив авторов

Дипломатия и дипломаты. Из истории международных отношений стран Запада и России - Коллектив авторов

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И. Указ. соч. С.59; Граля Х. Указ. соч. С.260; Evans J. Op.cit. Р.292.


      Incent J. Op.cit. P.287.


      A letter of the Company of the Marchants adventurers to Russia unto George Killingworth, Richard Gray, and Henry Lane their Agents there, to be delivered in Colmogoro or els where: sent in the John Evangelist // Hakluyt R. The principal Navigations Voyages Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. Vol. I. L., 1599. P.297.


      Michiel Surian, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Doge and Senate, 3rd April 1557 // Calendar of State Papers relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice. Vol. 6.1555–1558. L., 1877. P.1005.


      Ibid. P.1005.


      Courtwille J. Josse de Courtewille an president Viglius, Londres, 25 mars, 1557 // Relations Politiques des Pays-Bas et de L'Angleterre, sous le regne de Philippe II. T.i. Bruxelles, 1882. P.61.


      Machyn H. The Diary of Henry Machyn. British Library, MS Cotton Vitellius F.v. f.68v.


      Incent J. Op.cit. Р.287.


      ‘Philip and Mary, to czar Wassilie in favour of mutual commercial intercourse’. British Library, Cotton MS Nero В VIII, f.3; Толстой Ю.В. Указ. соч. С.15.


      Ibid, f.3; Там же. С. 15.


      ‘Philip and Mary, to czar Wassilie in favour of mutual commercial intercourse’. British Library, Cotton MS Nero В VIII, f.3; Толстой Ю.В. Указ. соч. С.16.


      Ibid, f.3; Там же. С.16.


      Rider С.М. Our City and Chamber of London: The relationship between the City of London and the Crown in the reigns of Edward VI and Mary, 1547–1558. PhD Thesis, University of Wales, 1992. P. 151–153.


      Lloyd Т.Н. England and the German Hanse, 1157–1611. A study of their trade and commercial diplomacy. Cambridge, 2002. P. 292–301; Fusaro M. Political Economies of Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean. The Decline of Venice and the Rise of England, 1450–1700. Cambridge, 2015. P.39.


      Kolner Inventar. Inventare Hansischer Archive des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. Bd.i. Leipzig, 1896. S.424; Danziger Inventar, 1531–1591. Munchen, Leipzig, 1913. S.213–220.


      Giovanni Michiel, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Doge and Senate, 29 July 1555 // Calendar of State Papers relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice. Vol. 6.1555–1558. L., 1877. P.141; Dalin О von. Geschichte des Reiches Schweden. Bd. III. Rostock und Greifswald, 1763. S.360–361; Киселев A.A. Зарождение англо-русских отношений и дипломатия Швеции в середине XVI века // Британские исследования. № 6. 2020. С. 40–63.


      Форстен Г.В. Балтийский вопрос в XVI и XVII столетиях. T.I. СПб, 1893. С. 17–18.


      ‘Philip and Mary, to czar Wassilie in favour of mutual commercial intercourse’. British Library, Cotton MS Nero В VIII, f.3; Толстой Ю.В. Указ. соч. С.17.


      Machyn Н. The Diary of Henry Machyn. British Library, MS Cotton Vitellius F.v. f.70r-7ir.


      Ibid. f.6Qr.


      Ibid, f.yiv.


      Incent J. Op.cit. Р.288.


      A letter of the Company of the Marchants adventurers to Russia unto George Killingworth, Richard Gray, and Henry Lane their Agents there, to be delivered in Colmogoro or els where: sent in the John Evangelist // Hakluyt R. The principal Navigations Voyages Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. Vol. I. L., 1599. Р.301.


      Летописный сборник, именуемый Патриаршею или Никоновскою летописью // Полное собрание русских летописей, изданное по высочайшему повелению археографическою комиссиею. Т.ХШ. 4.VIII. СПб., 1904. С.286.


      Граля Х. Указ. соч. С.264.


      Instructions given to the Masters and Mariners to be observed in and about this Fleete, passing this yeere 1557 toward the Bay of S. Nicholas in Russia, for this present Race to be made and returne of the same by Gods grace to the port of London, the place of their right discharge, as in the Articles ensuing is deduced // Hakluyt R. The principal Navigations Voyages Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. Vol. I. L., 1599. P.296.


      Летописный сборник, именуемый Патриаршею или Никоновскою летописью // Полное собрание русских летописей, изданное по высочайшему повелению археографическою комиссиею. T.XIII. 4.VIII. СПб., 1904. С.286.


      Michiel Surian, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Doge and Senate, 3rd April 1557 // Calendar of State Papers relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice. Vol. 6.1555–1558. L., 1877. P.1005.


      Giovanni Michiel, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Doge and Senate, 29 July 1555 // Calendar of State Papers relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice. Vol. 6.1555–1558. L., 1877. P.141.


      Provano Т. Traianus Provano, secretarius regius, Alberto in Prussia duci. Vilnae, 22.VIII.1557 // Elementa ad Fontium Editiones. Vol. L: Documenta ex Archivo Regimontano ad Poloniam spectanta. XX Pars. 1549–1568. Roma, 1980. P.106.


      Alcocke T. A Letter of Thomas Alcocke to the worshipfull Richard Gray and

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