Pump up your perception (training apparatus). Volume One. Pavel Kamyshov

Pump up your perception (training apparatus). Volume One - Pavel Kamyshov

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always forgives us, because it is in each of us, otherwise He punishes himself by punishing us. Have you ever heard anyone pray for the salvation of the spiritual essence of the Devil, because it contains an abyss of all sorts of souls-particles of the original Source? Maybe the balance of forces of reality would change, employment priorities would change? Has morality ever been interested in its own mechanism of technology? A true master in any business does his own thing, so it doesn’t matter where you look, who you listen to, or what you read. Any knowledge and opinions are the usual training for perception. Use everything to create your own truly unique experience. Become a professional of your own making. Never neglect the bestowed happiness. From not showing something to showing something, they lose everything. Learn to fast properly, and in everything. Deliberate obvious under-payment-invades the polarity of what is deserved. Its properties can be changed by adjusting the attitude to its significance. Karma can shape fate consciously. Matter is the density of volume. The meaning of true creation is to visualize the missing-in detail and qualitatively.

      Lesson 41.

      God leaves us in our indifference to Himself. Everyone has a portal to anywhere – just as every soul has a part without karma. Our desires are an indicator of the level of the Spirit, its quality. It’s not always funny for the Creator to laugh at our plans. Our methods of cognition seriously change the subject matter itself. When, visualizing, we begin to see according to our faith – any reality can manifest. Becoming a Spirit doesn’t make sense if it’s not interesting. Ignorance of the Spirit is more dangerous than ignorance of the mind. When you leave clarity, nostalgia always suggests its calm coordinates. Wisdom technology is diplomatically contrived. Significance in the analogy of the world is the same in its quality. Creation is the quality of the Creator. All the higher planes are interconnected with the lower ones. Therefore, someone in Hell grows flowers, no matter what.

      Lesson 42.

      You can never even think that you’re late. In your destiny, without you, nothing will start ahead of time. Any picture of the surrounding circumstances, regardless of “appearance” reflects your level of perception and in detail “hides” the whole World interconnected with it. You have to look at the same thing with all your senses, hundreds of times. When you understand the whole fragment as a different density of energy properties, it becomes clear that any relationship in the world is similar. You can generate any perception of the world, regardless of the traditional or dependent, on the amateur. All your senses are spiritualized by their own intelligence. Practicing your instincts is wiser in time. You don’t need to look for what you need – you only prevent him from finding you. The interconnectedness in the world is much more capable than any of your evolving levels. The meditations resonate in fusion. It is better to resonate in every movement. No one personally helps you or saves you – you are inseparable. Resonance is the basis of compliance.

      Lesson 43.

      The missing qualities are not equally displayed – they are of any level. You can learn about the world, or you can create it by learning. What are the methods other than cognition? What is the physical meaning of awareness? If purity is the absence of dirt, then absolute absence is the purest and Being itself is dirt? Maybe, logic is set against any existence at all, or there is no limit to the quality of Being? The world is as we visualize it in our perception of it. Clarity itself is broader than any spiritual development. Duality is not the only state of Being. Correctness is not necessarily where the rules are. Through the perspective of your training, review all the knowledge gained in the future. Deepen clarity in its very essence, thereby increasing the density of attention, visualize it in yourself. We die when we agree to this. Since childhood, we are sure of our imminent death, so everything is according to the will of “our”. We always understand the technology of a Miracle only in childhood, so there is nothing to invent here – we need to remember the feeling of sincere surprise at the elementary. The resonance of the quality of one can raise the entire Wave of Civilization.

      Lesson 44.

      The whole multiplicity of the World in general is due to developing doubts. You can change, and not necessarily in the direction of aging. Truth is a property of absolute quality. Being-the error of Not having or doubting it – is an archetypal form. We will not interfere with the Absolute of Knowledge-the Truth, we will use its Idea – the creation of ourselves. They never create anything in order to destroy it, otherwise creation loses all meaning as an occupation. The idea itself regulates its protection from doom. The whole preserves itself in each of its likenesses. The whole cannot be limited to its concept. You can control the forms of the law by manipulating the limits of their application. In Shambhala, there can’t be those who go to it forever. Everything around us is in us. Clarity clearly shows all the options of the Availability Worlds. If you want to find an interesting companion – create one. A person has no limitations, except as a convincing belief in them. Truth teaches simply by its very Idea of existence.

      Lesson 45

      The meaning of life is to find it? If you can’t beat an Idea, then why develop it? The active part of the Brain is always enough to use the entire Brain in matching resonance. The absence resists by our own efforts – it is completely present in every minuscule interval of reality. It is enough to feel the very concept of Power and strength becomes greater. A good Idea always creates its Source. The unshakable influences the moving most of all – it is always in resonance with it. Everyone is only good at their own thing. Restoring justice violates it the most. What is the moral nature of the lower before the art of the higher. Language is for us, not us for it. We think and visualize like the Creator, not in any other way. Indifference is the most accurate measuring instrument. Any attachment changes the scale and scale. Breadth of soul, hardly looking for its essence.

      Lesson 46.

      I do not seek, through interest, for you to look with my form of gaze. I want to show the freedom of choice and its technology. Its secret is that it gives only according to our faith, regardless of the laws of nature and any of its miracles. And if you don’t believe that, please let it be according to your faith. Even in Paradise, there is a place where there really is no afterlife-all without cheating. When we are one with our Nature, any movement becomes ours. And their freedom is limited by faith in them. Chaos is the concept of inattention. Any density of attention is clearly provided everywhere. The opposites themselves involuntarily and constantly control the stable balance of unity – this is the main occupation of the World. Wanting is the main manifestation of life. The body itself must constantly radiate vigilant attention to its basic desire for positive regeneration. The mind must develop throughout the body, spiritualized in every cell by the enlightenment of Oneness with the universal energy field. You don’t need to merge with the World – you can’t separate us, you need to be deeply and deeply aware of this sanctity. It is unlikely that anyone needs to hide the plan of God in us from us, it was invented by our lazy ignorance.

      Lesson 47.

      There is no discrepancy – there is ignorance of sensation. You can suffer regardless of the pain, because we can rejoice involuntarily. We can exist independently of reality. God is always very qualitatively manifested by his absence. A beautiful style of solitary absence. Absence is still the only reason for the manifestation. The ascetic must be precisely aware of the golden ratio with the absence of something by sensation. You don’t have to give up anything. The shape of fate is too flexible to change, so try to live independently of it. Even the entire information field gets an epiphany. Time depends on the density of space, which determines its reality or quality of form. It doesn’t matter what happens and how it happens – it is simply necessary for the result. Generate quality matches. Any resistance is just an indicator of your ignorance, it corrects correctness

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