Позитивные изменения. Том 2, №4 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 4 (2022). Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения»
как конвертируются государственные инвестиции – субсидии, бюджетные средства, гранты для НКО – какую ценность для общества представляют, помимо историй в духе «мы помогли…». Это разговор на цифрах, проверяемых фактах, чего сектору не хватало. А вторая вещь – оценка нужна в первую очередь самим организациям. Многие организации стремятся к «длинному» сотрудничеству с донорскими организациями, крупным и средним бизнесом, с госструктурами. Но без справедливой внутренней оценки своей деятельности у организации не может быть ни стратегии, ни долгосрочных планов. Если нет долгосрочных планов, то сложно привлекать партнеров и развиваться», – говорит эксперт.
Теория изменений, открытые данные, доказательный подход, стандарт отчетности, разработка гайда по созданию и оценке импакт-проектов, обсуждение подходов к оценке социального эффекта, развитие сообществ практиков, большой прогресс в развитии инструментов и методологии оценки импакта, рост интереса к оценке как к профессиональной деятельности – такие тренды видят победители премии в 2022 году.
Премия научно-популярного журнала об импакт-инвестициях и оценке социального воздействия «Позитивные изменения» является ежегодной. В конце 2023 года мы узнаем имена новых лауреатов – людей и организаций, которые вносят позитивный вклад в развитие темы импакта.
Impact Investment 2022 Results: A Perspective from the Positive Changes Journal Award Winners
Yulia Vyatkina
DOI 10.55140/2782–5817–2022–2–4–16–27
On December 7, 2022, the first annual award of the Positive Changes, a popular science journal about impact investments and social impact assessment, was presented. The award recognizes experts, journal contributors, and organizations for their input into the development of social and economic impact assessment. Read our article about who received the award and what for, how the winners of the award remembered 2022 in terms of impact and development of evaluation methodology, and what key events and new approaches can be highlighted.
Yulia Vyatkina
Editor, Positive Changes Journal
The award was organized by the Positive Changes Factory, the founder of the Positive Changes Journal, with the support of partners: Association of Volunteer Centers, Wowhouse branding agency and Gladway Foundation of Development of Media Projects and Social Programs. The awards was presented as part of the #Myvmeste 2022 International Forum of Civic Participation. Winners were announced in six categories.
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today,” says Chinese wisdom. So it is never too late to make a dream come true or to make the world at least a little bit better. A planted tree is sure to produce a harvest.
As was noted by Natalia Gladkikh, editor-in-chief of the Positive Changes journal, the pioneers in the field of evaluation 20 years ago planted seedlings that are now bearing fruit: in 2021, Positive Changes Journal, a popular science Journal about impact investments and social impact assessment, appeared.
“We decided that each year we would celebrate those who most delighted us in terms of impact. It was difficult for the journal's editors to choose the 10 winners because there were so many people and organizations who inspired us, who developed innovative approaches to the evaluation, monitoring and planning of project activities. Our 10 laureates are people and organizations whose contribution to the development of the evaluation and impact industry is so great that without them things would be different,” said Natalia Gladkikh.
The award in the Development of Social Projects Evaluation System category was won by the Center for Advanced Management Solutions (CAMS) for the introduction of assessment models into the system of public administration and the publication of methodological materials. In 2020, CAMS and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation published an expert note “Application of the Theory of Change for Strategic Audit and Strategic Planning in Russia.”[17]
As the authors of the document note, there is a gap between the strategic goals of Russia's development, which are formulated by the President of the Russian Federation in his decrees and by the Government of the Russian Federation in its strategies, and the final results. The formal achievement of indicators does not always mean achievement of the originally planned social and economic effect. Moreover, different groups of beneficiaries often do not feel the effects of the goals set and achieved. One of the tools to bridge this gap is the theory of change, an approach in which each instrument of public policy must be focused on achieving a specific socio-economic change[18].
One of the authors of the expert memorandum, Maksim Tsygankov, head of the Program and Policy evaluation project area at the Center for Advanced Management Solutions, shared with the editors of the Positive Changes what important things happened in 2022 from the perspective of evaluation development in our country.
“It is too early to talk about the practice of evidence-based approaches in the public sector, despite the fact that in 2022 it was possible to finalize a number of evaluation projects, such as microdata projects of the Federal Service for Labour and Employment. Thus, detailed administrative microdata on the state of the labour market became available to researchers. Research is expected to be based on this open data, the results of which will help improve organizational and technological processes of employment for citizens and recruitment for employers
Weiss, C. H. (1995). Nothing as practical as good theory: Exploring theory-based evaluation for comprehensive community initiatives for children and families. New approaches to evaluating community initiatives: Concepts, methods, and contexts, 1, 65–92.