Tales from the Other Side. Айгуль Хуснетдинова

Tales from the Other Side - Айгуль Хуснетдинова

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This period depends on the ability of the “negotiator” – sorcerer, magician, medium, shaman or whatever you call us. The death is not 100% predestined. It is predestined for those who waste their time watching TV and soap operas instead of living their live with mission and passion, to be a leader, widen their opportunities and trust the Universe in their spiritual journey. The choice to be nobody doesn’t depend on job or level of income. When a person chooses to be more mindful, the level of understanding is changing and he lives his own life, not somebody else’s – till the very end. There is a huge self-help industry, including motivational speakers and masters of yoga and mindfulness to help you find yourself. Whichever path you choose, you are responsible for this choice, not a society or someone’s abstract and senseless “because you have to”.

      What’s the difference between magician (or witch) and ordinary person? The difference is in the level of mindfulness, responsibility for what you thought and what you did, understanding of global laws and realizing that you are much more than just the name, occupation and how you live your everyday life. You are a God, you are a Creator. You can create your universe right now, create the beauty and gold from what you have. You can change everything right now.

      Past lives

      The second factor of causes of death is the memory of your past lives. The most significant thing here is not your merits but the way you’ve died and which promises have your given to yourselves which may block your energy in present. Karma here is some kind of general background. Past lives often shown in a repeat of the same episodes over and over again to change a pattern. For example, you have drowned in your past live that is why in this life you have water phobia. This is very common in my practice. By changing a pattern through past lives, you can work with many issues in person’s life – why is he single, why he has no kids, why he has phobias, why everything goes that way etc. – and refer to the past lives’ experience. This is not universal method – as any other method. Often the person had complicated relationships with his partner and in this life he should heal that connection. This may be applicable when the client made a mental note about this particular partner, put a lot of energy about his feeling. This thoughtform and this energy are always reflected in the space around the client – I always see it. In one of your lives, in one of the universes you’ve created there is still a memory about certain event – and it feels like trauma. Everything you say, everything you feel is very important, all thoughtforms, all memories, all words said in certain state of consciousness, may affect to your life – even lives, and not even yours, and this affect may be significant. For example, the man died at age of 40 in his past live (wounded into chest). May be, the life before that past live was the same. It is very likely that his life now may be ended likewise – by heart attack, pneumonia or somehow connected with pain on the chest at the age of 40. So if this information occurs in the regression sessions or in meditation it should be worked out, unless the history will be repeated with no end, joy and freedom.

      Family history and generational curse

      There could be another situation in the family when all men die in certain age from the same disease but there is no connection with past lives at all. Genetic, you may say, and it’s true in some points. But death in certain age may arise as a cause of curse. You can die from cancer, knife, because of car accident – no matter where but the death will find you.

      ~ Case for my practice ~

      Tatiana, whose son committed suicide, came to me. When I scanned blood connection to reveal why that happened, I saw the generational curse. Her father’s father died young, and the same was with his father. Every man in this generation died young, the reasons were different but always weird. Generational curse looks like complete darkness and somehow distorts ancestral system. During the session it turned out that the roots of the problem lie even deeper, but unfortunately, the curse knocked down the entire clan in the male line, and Tatiana's son was the last man in the family.

      What is a generational curse? It is a destructive energy within one system, the genus. This phrase sounds terrible, more like witchcraft with repeated spitting to the side, crosses-icons and terrible eyes, as well as despair. If you have the ancestral curse, just lie down and die immediately, it’s strong and will take you anyway, isn’t it? Or in order to stop the curse you can perform some meaningless rites, where going to the cemetery and finding the nameless dead is a must – and all this under the cover of night. The scarier and more mystical, the better. I don’t know why people do it. As a magician myself, I try to grow professionally, and if I can avoid the entourage – I always do. In 90% of cases, no trips to the butcher for a pig's heart and a subsequent trip to the cemetery are needed, you can use simple methods which work even better. Similarly, the ancestral curse does not require sacrifices and the blood of innocent animals (or the purchase of junk in magic shops). It all depends on the energy of the conductor – I will never get tired of repeating this. Therefore, you need to work on increasing your personal energy – or turn to people with very strong energy.

      When identifying a generic curse, it is important to see where it comes from. That's the most important thing. You should reveal the circumstance where it first happened, to whom it is directed and why exactly at them. Then this negative energy must be removed. There are many ways to remove it and if you really want to disturb the nameless dead – God bless you (or whoever is the Greatest in your system of values), just don’t disturb them every time for every reason.

      Magic does not work on the principle: "You have an ancestral curse, abracadabra, removed."

      You need to understand the roots and the leaves, otherwise, the ancestral curse can be diagnosed in every second person (by dishonest magicians). There were evil people in every clan, but not everyone made a curse. Poor these nameless dead, who have to take away these curses in exchange of gifts brought by witches! A lot of work there!

      Any trouble that you are diagnosed with should respond to you. If you are told about the ancestral curse, you should feel in a sober state of consciousness that this sounds true, indeed, something in the family is murky and unclear, you should feel it in your heart. Not "Well, I don't know, well, maybe, but somehow unlikely, everything seems to be fine", but you should feel that all possible causes of the problem lies there and only there – feel intuitively. Otherwise, you will become an easy victim for crazy wizards with a badge "Do you want to remove the ancestral curse? Ask me how!"

      The ancestral curse appears when the balance in the family is disturbed. For example, your grandmother fell in love with your grandfather when he was engaged with her best friend. Friendship was ruined, and a friend was offended and put a curse. It may be in verbal form literally screaming: “I hate you and I curse you” or have this pain deep in her heart. And your grandmother is ok, but her grandchildren are not, they are single and nobody knows the reason. It lies beneath logic, and the curse energy is very strong.

      There are situations when the head of the family could not protect his relatives. For example, the father of the family went to war, left everyone, and his wife was offended that he abandoned her. And this energy of resentment remains in the family and does not go anywhere. There is the main problem – the energy stays in a circle and is not released, like a ball in a confined space, and somehow affects all family members.

      Sometimes mother curses her own child – this could happen if mother suffered from pain from her lover or parents were against marriage. A lot of variations, but in general this pain stays within ancestral system. That’s what I have to do spiritually – to remove this resentment, this hurt. Even cases with sudden strong alcohol addiction being 30 years old when all descendants became alcoholics out of solidarity to the first drinker, have the base. There should be an initial reason why he had an addiction, usually unbearable pain – loss, hurt, etc. I should dig a little deeper and work with it now – while we have time and possibility. Sometimes it’s too late.

      According to my experience, the ancestral curse is removed quite quickly, and if you have to do 10 sessions for that (for example, within systemic constellation program), there is something wrong. At the energy level everything works instantly, perhaps just your psyche is not able to accept such a speed. But the fact is that magic works either immediately or not at all.

      Playing with death


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